Limitation to server transfer according to generals score

  • Actually accounts cannot be transferred to servers where they will result in top 50 score.

    Following this principle to keep a sense in the game I propose to add a similiar limitation to generals:

    account cannot be transferred to servers where they will result in top 10 generals score

    This will keep the game balanced avoiding the appearence of bank-general accounts from other servers.

  • Actually account can be transferred back to servers they got ghosted from but to make this transfer happend you need to create an ticket and COMA will make it happend even if it is in top50 but with this force transfer from COMA you will not get the free town moves

    vendon2-1.jpg - GeneraL of Lost - Leader of ViP GeneraL of BANE

    Pangaia1 - Leader of CRAZY

  • I think the most logical solution would be to remove the black market. The black market skews 1 aspect of the game so much that none of the other aspects need to be paid attention to. 1 player can ruin the whole server by running 20-30 accounts using vpn's and never run out of troops, ships, or gold.

  • I think the most logical solution would be to remove the black market.

    Black market and piracy will never be removed and actually according to me they are the funcionalities allow the game to survive.

    But buy / build an account in a server, transform it in a general banck and then instantly transferred to another server is clearly unfair, I mean more than multies, VPN ecc ( that are regular widespread playstyle )

    Since there is a limitation for total score I think could be also for general score and should be easy to implement and with no impact to game mechanics

  • I support the idea.

    "Du glaubst zu schieben und du wirst geschoben." - Goethes Mephistopheles in "Faust"

    -> "You believe youre leading but you are being led." - Goethe in "Faust" <-

    "Verstecke deine Stärke und warte auf deine Zeit." - Deng Xiaoping

    -> "Hide your strength and wait for your time." - Deng Xiaoping <-

    katermitfluegel6cf7p.png katerorange4ackl.png katermitfluegel6cf7p.png


  • I think the most logical solution would be to remove the black market.

    Black market and piracy will never be removed and actually according to me they are the funcionalities allow the game to survive.

    But buy / build an account in a server, transform it in a general banck and then instantly transferred to another server is clearly unfair, I mean more than multies, VPN ecc ( that are regular widespread playstyle )

    Since there is a limitation for total score I think could be also for general score and should be easy to implement and with no impact to game mechanics

    Yes but with piracy at least they fixed some of the issues like the extremely high rewards. Now it isn't necessarily worth spending/risking a bunch of ambro to try and place 1st instead of 5th or 6th. They at least need to look into some of the issues with the black market and its development for 1 or 2 players to hold an entire server hostage with endless troops and ships, and unlimited gold. A while back you used to be able to set the price of any resource in the trading post at like 3-99, they got rid of that due to the amount of people pushing gold that way but then why not do the same with black market? Options could be setting 1 price for troops/ships or narrowing the price range so it is harder to transfer large amounts of gold at once. Possible holding period from buying until you can sell (although this would be more difficult to implement then my first idea). A cooldown between being able to buy/sell then v mode (again unlikely given their stance on v mode cooldown in the past).

  • account cannot be transferred to servers where they will result in top 10 generals score

    This will keep the game balanced avoiding the appearence of bank-general accounts from other servers.

    Can you imagine how many account/town moves for ambrosia are happening to move these accounts? I wouldn't bet even a dollar on limiting this as it would hurt the cash flow and game's existence as such.

  • Can you imagine how many account/town moves for ambrosia are happening to move these accounts? I wouldn't bet even a dollar on limiting this as it would hurt the cash flow and game's existence as such.

    I can imagine, but I can also imagine stop playing actively and stop spending ambrosia because actually in my server first gen position are gen bank teleported from other servers.

    The point is still the same. The is a limitation in transferring account with total score , so why not a limitation on generals?

  • account cannot be transferred to servers where they will result in top 10 generals score

    This will keep the game balanced avoiding the appearence of bank-general accounts from other servers.

    Can you imagine how many account/town moves for ambrosia are happening to move these accounts? I wouldn't bet even a dollar on limiting this as it would hurt the cash flow and game's existence as such.

    Then maybe u should consider adding a [win a battle] button for better cashflow. ^^

    On a more serious note, Im almost sure these account swaps would still occur as normal, its just that they would not be so ridiculously overpowered.

    Also, even if they were completely stopped, like max 20 000generals acc transfer allowed - type of stopped, wouldnt it make much more sense to actually sell all units in the game shop for ambro, instead of getting your income siphoned off by the account sellers and just receiving the breadcrumbs for the transfers? :/

    Edited 2 times, last by -Pluto- ().

  • The situation is out of control.

    Actually gen banks are not used simply as army availability, but to buy generals then delete them in order to have the resources.

    It is an masked push business.

    It is clearly unfair and i think damage the GF itself, because in the shops there are also resources packs for ambrosia

  • I think the most logical solution would be to remove the black market. The black market skews 1 aspect of the game so much that none of the other aspects need to be paid attention to. 1 player can ruin the whole server by running 20-30 accounts using vpn's and never run out of troops, ships, or gold.

    Go along with this, The thought was in the right place but it's abused wildly.. It probably causes more problems than it solves.

    Diplomat - Raging Kings [Beta]

  • and i think damage the GF itself, because in the shops there are also resources packs for ambrosia

    Wait, now you want to control the players by not allowing then to dismiss to gain resources as well?

    I only want limitation. You can buy generals and dismiss, but not that amount.

    There is a limitation on account transfer based on total score, the same should be for generals.

    Actually if you send resources to a player with total score more than you, you are banned.

    But buying tons of generals that spawn instantly from an other server in order to dismiss is correct, right?

  • smaller players can buy goods from other players as well.. that's why they put in price controls on the market so there is a min/max price on particular goods based on the avg sale price of those goods so the min/max range shifts a bit from time to time.

    Diplomat - Raging Kings [Beta]

  • 100% Agree to the initial idea, no server transfer if you would be in the top 50 general-score.

    Would also add no server transfer if you would be in the top 10 Gold-score, since both are things which hurt new Servers massively and seem reasonable to bann imo.

  • Come on. Dismissal of units for 50% of cost is highly inefficient. Better to use Hades.


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