Draxo Forum Administrator

  • Male
  • Member since Feb 12th 2019
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  • 25.09.2024 14:34 French Warrior je napisao:

    >> My conversation with Guru_Taho this morning

    >> the guy is aware of the risk to be banned....


    >> I tried to ask him for his price for letting Us in peace

    >> he is ready for discussion...


    >> this guy is dangerous, a mafiosi guy...



    >> Guru _Taho Message Taha-Federation [54:57] 25.09.2024 10:31:18

    >> Hi, nope we wouldn' newer offer that here :D

    >> But if you have some solutions- we can try analyze that- you have my discord


    >> 25.09.2024 10:26 datumā French Warrior rakstīja:

    >> > Hello

    >> >

    >> > I heard that you want REAL money to end this War !

    >> > this is quite a good idea !

    >> >

    >> > what his yout price ? maybe you ask for too much

    • OlĆ” DRAXO, vocĆŖ consegue me ajudar?

      Voltei a jogar depois de 15 anos e estou tentando recuperar minhas contas antigas, conseguir logar nelas mas elas estĆ£o em um servidor inexistente sĆ³ para a conta ficar lĆ”, e quando logar pede para fazer a transferĆŖncia para outro servidor. escolhi o servidor deram um prazo de 24h para transferir mas atĆ© agora nada, jĆ” fazem uns 3 dias..
  • gracias !

  • Laba diena!

    Uzsitu tev ziņu Discordā, pirms kādiem 12 gadiem kopā spēlējām aliansē ar klibo, susuri(?). Domāju vai mūsdienās vēl esi aktīvs kādā pasaulē, būtu jautri atsākt spēlēt ar kādām zināmām sejām.



  • Sorry I did not reply to your request - I've had Real Life intruding a lot this week. But the bug has been fixed now, and you've correctly closed the thread, thanks.

  • why hasn't my topic been approved yet?

    [ATA] TURKÄ°YE VS [BGR] Bulgaria 681

  • why hasn't my topic been approved yet?

    [ATA] TURKÄ°YE VS [BGR] Bulgaria 681

  • Why do you close my post?
    The issue has not been resolved, neither has it been adressed yet by any admin or community managers.

    All the posts in this forum section are still uselessly open, there is no particular reasons to close THIS ONE POST.

    • The reply has been given already multiple times that it's not a bug - like it or not.

  • Code
    1. When I want to buy ambrosia, it goes out with euro, but the currency we use is Turkish lira, can you help me?
  • Ares birleşmesi ne zaman olacak?

  • Hello,when will be the next discuount on towers/steam hummers-saws?

  • Greetings, the forum posts I published 3-4 days ago are still pending. What is the reason?

  • I have an account that I need to transfer due to a merge. I would like to go to a new server, but it tells me that it cannot be in the top50. Can I somehow check how many points I have on my accu, I don't know exactly

  • hi i am still waiting on your reply about my bug with the every action being late. could you help?

  • hi I need your help
    I didnā€™t understand what to do with my server error

  • do you replay to private messages?

  • Sveiks, mani nobloķēja par multi. Spēlētājs Jordans, UK serveris zaip.... pasaule. Vēlos saprast, kura darbÄ«ba bija tā, par kuru tika piemērots sods. Paldies, ja varēsi palÄ«dzēt.

    • Jāraksta biļete un jājautā tur.

    • Paldies, Tev par atbildi. Bet ar to biļeti var bÅ«t Å”muce, jo viņa jāraksta citā mēlē. Protams es izmantoÅ”u tulkotāju, bet cik patiesÄ«bas tur paliks, grÅ«ti pateikt.

      Es provÄ“Å”u, bet ja tur bÅ«s, kā pret sienu! Vai drÄ«kst cerēt uz tavu atbalstu?

    • Nu paskaties, tagad jau Google Translate ir diezgan ok, tāpat arÄ« vari palÅ«gt kādam alianses biedram, ja angļu mēle galÄ«gi nelokās. :)

    • Sveiks, uzrakstÄ«ju biļeti, nedēļas sākumā. Atbildi neesmu saņēmis. Ko ieteiksi?

    • PalÄ«dzi lÅ«dzu dzēst kontu, kas ir nobanots. Pastāsti kā to var izdarÄ«t. Paldies.

  • You know on beta server if you tell any pga alliance member you want to get rid of your account they will buy it from you.

  • Latvia is a real place or just a myth?

    • Have you tried to look at the map of world? :)

    • Well, nope

      I'll check the map of the world and come back to you!

    • Latvia is a real place! incredible

  • ciao vorrei essere contatatox il game problemi nella fusione

  • Labvakar! Vai jaunajā serverÄ« spēlējot ar vairākiem kontiem, kas ir sasaistÄ«ti ar IP dalÄ«Å”anu visi jāsaliek zem 1 epasta vai drÄ«kst palikt katram sava epasta adrese? Kā viņus var savienot zem 1 konta viena epasta?

    Ar cieņu, romina

    • Sveiki!

      Kontus var likt zem viena Lobby konta, to var izdarÄ«t Lobby sākumlapā. Ja nē, var atstāt arÄ« pie dažādiem, tikai spēlē jānoslēdz IP dalÄ«Å”anas lÄ«gumi.

    • Paldies, sapratu!

  • Sveiks,

    Nezini, kāpēc nomainot paroli caur e-pastu pēc tam tāpat neļauj ielogoties profilā??

    Visu laiku rāda nepareiza parola vai e-pasts.. -.-

    Pls help, nodomāju atkal uzspēlēt pēc vairākiem gadiem.

    • Uzraksti biļeti, paskatÄ«simies.

  • Sveiks.Sen neesi redzēts kādus gadus 7 :D Nezinu kur un kas var palÄ«dzēt.1.Spēlējos UK serverÄ« Zelos-tagad ar pasauļu apvienoÅ”anu sadomāju pārmest kontu no Lv Uz Uk,kas ir atļauts,bet man uzrāda servera kļudu.Ir zem top 50 pat.2. Vai ir atļauts(ja sanāk pārcelt) pēc IP dalÄ«Å”anas pakāpeniski dzēst UK kontu un ta vietā pārvietot Lv konta pilsētas.Jau iepriekÅ” paldies!

  • Sveiki.Kapēc man nobloķēja spēles kontu,ja paÅ”i piedāvājat pārcelties?

  • come si puĆ² contattare un membro del sistema per far capire che il server Demetra it e un server inutilizzato e per quei 50 player ĆØ diventato impossibile andare avanti, cancellare il server come e stato fatto per gamma e la cosa piu semplice da fare e spostare tutti e 50 in un altro server, anche perche continuano ad uscire nuovi server e le persone sono tentate a entrare nei nuovi server abbandonando i vecchi... mi fa il piacere se e nella sua competenza avvisare un assistente del gioco per riferire questo messaggi perche io nn riesco a contattarli... ho scritto ovunque messaggi ma nn ho mai riscontrato una risposta da parte loro... la ringrazio

    • Hi,

      It has been asked and replied in the forums several times.


  • sveiki! Vēlētos noskaidrot kas nosÅ«dzēja speēlētāju Cepums pasaule Kappa par itka nepiedienÄ«gu runas veidu!


    • Sveiki!

      Diemžēl ziņotāja identitāte nevar tikt atklāta.

  • Could you please be less annoying? I opened a ticket regarding my personal situation days ago. The bug report is to prevent other players from becoming victims of your (plural) programming mistakes as well.

    • My apologies if telling the truth sounds annoying for you, but unfortunately I won't start to lie.

    • Lol, lying is all you ever do. You cheat in the game, and you cheat on the forums.

    • Since you don't know me and what I do or not in game or forum - bye!

  • Hi Draxo

    how do I open a ticket I premium goods of wine the 250k goods clicked on it and it didn't deposit the goods into my town, then I looked at my over view of all my towns just incase it went somewhere else and none had been given the wine I would Like my wine or ambrosia back

    • Hi,

      Please see the inventory (the brown chest in the top left corner), the bought item should be there.


  • 17Y 09M
    0% 9 Kuģi / 45 Karavīri Kwaak 1(kwaaKy) Barbaru ciems(Barbari)

    Kā Å”o saprast?! :D - uztaisÄ«ju postu forumos pie kļūdām... kaut gan Ŕķiet, ka nekas tur nav maināms. Pie citiem postiem par Å”o problēmu atradu admina teikto, ka tiks atdoti resursi un vienÄ«bas spēlētājiem, tikai es nespēju atrast atbildi uz jautājumu, kā tas notiks un kad.