gods of olympus

  • what do you think?

    Dear players,

    prepare for the wrath (and the love^^) of the gods!

    Divine intervention is making its way to Ikariam. The "Gods of Olympus" update will soon be brought to the live servers, bringing a host of new things to do for players and bonuses to factor in your strategy.

    Start researching "Mythology" to unlock powerful new gods such as Dionysus, Pan and Hephaestus and more. Each will bestow their own rewards upon your cities in the form of various bonuses.

    But beware: if you fail to provide the proper tribute, their generosity and benevolence wanes quickly.

    Construct a glorious Shrine of Olympus to provide a place of worship for these deities. Complete new daily tasks to earn their favour. The more favour you offer, the greater the gifts they will return to you!

    More details, along with a release date, will be revealed soon. Keep an eye on the heavens, who knows, you might get a glimpse of their arrival?

    Your Ikariam Team

  • there is enough info to prepare cities and empire for when the update is available

    need to make sure you have research points available (may have to delay a research until the new update for example)

    Should also plan on freeing up a city slot for a new building

    i suspect the new benefit iscity based and not empire based and likelyrequire interaction than once a day

  • there is enough info to prepare cities and empire for when the update is available

    need to make sure you have research points available (may have to delay a research until the new update for example)

    Should also plan on freeing up a city slot for a new building

    i suspect the new benefit iscity based and not empire based and likelyrequire interaction than once a day

    Yeah for sure, having enough resources is a must plus a bit of research points wont hurt.

    Its gonna be interesting, and a change is always welcome, so thank you to the mods for working on this:)

    But is there a timeline for it releasing? Are we thinking within weeks or months?

  • But is there a timeline for it releasing? Are we thinking within weeks or months?

    It was mentioned that there won't be any Roadmaps or similar things, we know the Update will come and wait for the Announcement of the Release date.

    So it's just speculation and trying to read into what they said, but it should be reasonable to expect it to come this year.

    What we know - a new building, a new research and some new ways to get some unknown bonuses.

    We know more then that thx to the press release.

    Obv. we don't know details, but I think we know enough to speculate and enough to discuss whether we like the "Topics" they approach with this Feature.

  • Yeah for sure, having enough resources is a must plus a bit of research points wont hurt.

    I think we may need more that "a bit of research points". I'm not sure that we will get only one research – it (this Mythology) can be the additional science field like Military or Science. Why not...

  • We do have details. We know that this will boost resources/gold production. We don't know what it all will entail but we know we can look forward to it prepare resources of various kinds for reserve so we are able to start building right away or not build empty building spaces incase we don't get a new space. So plenty to go off of and to start thinking about. I'm looking forward to this and curious how much of a boost these will provide. Not as concerned about the resource production but more so the gold production.

  • I'm not saying anything about this news yet, but I certainly wish GF had invested the time and resources to do the ARES server merger, instead of this thing here ....


  • Yeah for sure, having enough resources is a must plus a bit of research points wont hurt.

    I think we may need more that "a bit of research points". I'm not sure that we will get only one research – it (this Mythology) can be the additional science field like Military or Science. Why not...

    I mean I've got 22m research points on my main so I'm not worried.

    It sure will be interesting though.

  • Looking forward to the new update, looks interesting. I always have a couple of free places up my sleeve for construction if the update brings a new building and of course, I'm glad to hear that there will be new research, certainly that part of the game needs a little more work.


  • Before any big update I am afraid that will be too big and will violate your progress in the game so far, because from now on everything will be easier to achieve. For example, I hope that resource extraction isn't increased insanely by this "Mythology" (but just a bit). If not, everything I built will lose its value, because it was so much harder to find materials etc. for construction before update. It is just an example. Anyway... I am happy about this coming update.

  • Take a look at these explanations

    Ikariam | Versão Deuses do Olimpo

    BIG MASTER :love:

    Alpha :arrow: EX General SW12 [NAOSW]

    Alpha :arrow: EX Secretário de Estado [LGD]:airborne:

    Tau :arrow: EX Secretário de Estado [LGD]:airborne:


    Ex Legendário [-LGD-] 16.05.2012 á 08.08.2014


  • The only constant is change!

    I am looking forward to increased resource gathering but I'm sure it will come at a cost, and given that they've massively reduced Wine costs in the Tavern I expect the cost will be population meaning we have to build up our Town Halls to provide that population.

  • Never heard such a ugly language.

    But the point is what are you doing? Marketing your YT?

    You really think people speak THAT language?

    Reading post from forum? great because people don't know how to do that.

  • joe_black_2

    It is not the official Ikariam Youtube channel. What were you trying to do by quoting the video again? :/


    Calm down. Portuguese is an Indo-European language spoken as a native language by over two hundred million people. It is the sixth most common language in the world. It is spoken on five continents.

    He just wanted to video his thoughts and post them (of course, he would have had to put English subtitles to post them on the EN forum).


  • An incident that happened by mistake. I'm in a remote mountain village. My phone has very low signal and I couldn't write my message properly. I was just wondering what was in the video. :)


  • An incident that happened by mistake. I'm in a remote mountain village. My phone has very low signal and I couldn't write my message properly. I was just wondering what was in the video. :)

    He made a video analyzing the announcement.

    We already know the gods in the middle (Dionysos and Hephaistos).

    The goddess on the other side of Dionysos may be Themis (the goddess of divine order, law, natural law, and custom).

    The goddess on the other side of Hephaistos may be Theia (the goddess of light and precious stones).

    The one on the far right is Pan (the god of wild nature, shepherds, flocks, and goats). Also, a satyr (half man, half goat), but what might be his place in Ikariam?

    The one on the far left is Plutus (the god of wealth). In the philosophized mythology of the later Classical period, Plutus is envisaged by Aristophanes as blinded by Zeus so that he would be able to dispense his gifts without prejudice. Among the Eleusinian figures painted on Greek ceramics, Plutus can be identified as the one bearing the cornucopia—the horn of plenty.
