Posts by Adalya

    Scythe I find it really interesting to talk to you, hahaha. At first, I played exactly like you, taking resources by raiding players, often those weaker than me and inactive players. For example, when I reached around 30 million points, I refactored my strategy a bit; I just did some simple calculations. I have to send a raid, the army has to arrive, if the opponent has defense, there has to be one, two, or three rounds, then the resources have to be loaded, and after that, my army has to return. Let's say that at that point I had 200 ships, and to me, it seemed like a lot of time just to collect 100k resources. I had to stay online to send the next attack, then another, and another, until I gathered a noticeable amount of resources for an account with 30 million points. After doing the math, I shifted my focus more toward improving my own account. I concentrated heavily on upgrading buildings to increase resource production. Letā€™s say, roughly speaking, that for about two to three months, I exclusively upgraded buildings that boost production. During that time, I made agreements with my neighbors through the agora to invest all the wood we could spare into the mines, and everyone stuck to the agreement. That was the turning point when my account went from being average to quite strong, creating a significant difference over those 90 days. I noticeably increased resource production, but I should mention that I had a premium account at the time, with bonuses for wood, marble, and crystal mining, an active tower, and bonuses for research points, and I was using a trader for resource conversion. Letā€™s be clear, the money helped speed up the progress. But overall, that was my biggest achievement since I started playing. After that period, even without bonuses, my account was generating a nice amount of resources daily. After reaching 40 million points, I changed jobs in real life, and my time spent playing decreased significantly. Even if I wanted to raid, I couldn't stay online long enough to send two consecutive raids. So, my investment in upgrading production buildings and mines paid off more than anything else because it gave me the luxury of having a steady resource income with little time spent, as I relied solely on myself and not on other factors.

    nosorog It's incredible how similar our languages are, and in Serbian, 'tovarna ladja' sounds very understandable. All Slavic nations, no matter how much they diverge, still have similar languages and cultures.

    Scythe Thatā€™s why I was telling you in the posts above, exactly about that. Youā€™ll see when your account gets stronger and buildings start requiring a lot of resources and a lot of time, trading ships will lose their purpose. Even when they serve you for raiding other players, they wonā€™t be much help because at higher levels, buildings begin to demand insane amounts of resources. You would essentially have to be online for hours, raiding accounts full of resources for hours just to gather enough to build something big. Over time, war becomes more of a fun activity, less useful and more about good company, while resource mining relies on the strength of your mines and on buildings that increase your resource production. Thatā€™s where freight ships come into play, while trading ships get sidelined. Again, especially if you're someone who doesnā€™t spend much time in the game, thatā€™s when you realize how big and important freight ships are, and how unfair it would be to reduce their loading and travel times, because they would become an overpowered feature for large accounts that have a lot of them.

    You're right, I was literally translating in my head the way I would say it, because cargo in my language is teret, and cargo ship is teretni brod, which is why the confusion arose. It's always hardest to communicate with native English speakers because they hit the right terms, while those of us who are learning it and sometimes translate words literally create confusion. But we're definitely on the same page, what matters is that we understand each other.

    In Serbian, these ships are called trading ship (trgovački brod) and cargo/freighters ship (teretni brod). You probably used the correct terms, but the translations of these ships from Serbian to English look like this.

    Just read carefully, there is no written text stating that cargo ships are expensive. Thereā€™s no reason to doubt, I own 35 cargo ships * 50,000 capacity of their transport = 1,750,000 resources per trip. With the next login that day, a few hours later, I send the same load again. 1,750,000 * 2 = 3,500,000 resources transferred in one day. Without using any wonders, without anything else, just using cargo ships.

    Why do you think it's contradictory? Everything written actually makes sense. A comparison was literally made, and personally, I don't see any benefit in giving 26 million gold coins just to get an extra 500 resources that I can transport with a faster ship. I simply don't see the math in that, I don't see any benefit. On the other hand, cargo ships meet all my needs; it's enough for me to send a full load of resources twice a day to a city where, for example, I'm building a residence or a palace. In one day, I managed to transport 3.5 million resources from one place to another. Again, Iā€™ll give an example: if I have all the necessary resources for building a certain structure, that means that in less than 10 days, with just two logins per day, I can transfer all the resources needed to raise the residence to level 14. To me, thatā€™s excellent math. You donā€™t spend too much time, and you get pretty good results in return. I think you didnā€™t assess the situation well. A large account requires large amounts of resources, and with that, large transportation capacities, and each building takes a long time to construct. That's why the wait time for transferring resources isnā€™t a problem, because as the account grows, you get used to waiting for everything. Personally, I achieve nothing with 255 trading ships, which is why I laughed when I said Iā€™d have to save gold for three months just to get a ship with a capacity of 500 resources, while on the other hand, a cargo ship is a perfect investment for the future.

    You also need to know that I'm not a player who spends a lot of time online. I only log into the game twice a day for about half an hour. I donā€™t get rich by raiding others or trading much. I complete 90 percent of things with the resources I mine, and for the remaining 10 percent that Iā€™m missing, I either buy, trade, or raid. So, the most important thing for me is transferring resources from my city X to my city Y

    Great job, my friend! There are always interesting things to find on your channel. Iā€™ve watched every video youā€™ve posted, and I hope people will recognize your effort, and that the channel will grow, with you getting the well-deserved high number of views.

    Iā€™ll keep it short. I just want to take this opportunity to greet my good friend @ARPAGONE and wish him many more successful battles. Give a good artist a brush, and he will paint a masterpiece. For you, just a little army is enough to fill the Hall of Fame with fantastic victories. Keep it up!

    In my opinion, cargo ships should simply not receive any speed upgrade. The only reason Iā€™m saying this is because I believe they would become too overpowered. They can be afforded for a reasonable amount of gold, and they play a HUGE role in transporting large amounts of resources. Here's some firsthand information: 35 cargo ships cover all the needs of an 80-million-point account. Even though I plan to buy more, Iā€™m already very satisfied with what I have. Most of the transfers take place at night, and I transport a satisfactory amount of resources for my needs. I still donā€™t think that the next ship Iā€™m going to buy is unaffordable. Simply put, any upgrade to cargo ships and increasing their speed would give far more advantages to strong players who already have many of them. It would only widen the gap between super-strong accounts, mid-level accounts, and accounts that might not even have a single cargo ship yet.

    I'm now looking at the situation on Ares 1, where 125 players have completed all the research that currently exists. By some assumption and guessing, let's say that by the end of the year, based on the results I see, at least 25 more will join them, and by the next year, there will surely be more than 300 people with completed research. 300 people is not a small number. It's definitely worth considering moving the research limits up by X levels. In my opinion, increasing it by 5 levels would be quite enough.

    Additionally, as a strong supporter and advocate for the idea of expanding research futures, at least by 5 more levels each, this is definitely something that every player would pursue for a long time. I apologize in advance to those who have completed everything and demolished their academies, but I truly donā€™t see any bad reason why this shouldnā€™t become a part of Ikariam. Players who have completed all research would have to send researchers back into the academies, which would slightly reduce the gap compared to those who haven't, and compared to how much military an account that has finished all research can support since they no longer spend gold on researchers.

    Resources currently, at least for me, are not the biggest problem. I obtain them by mining, raiding, exchanging, or buying; there are plenty of ways. A bigger problem than resources for me is gold. Gold always suffers from every military venture, every expansion of mines, every expansion of temples or academies. Here's an example: for upgrading a residence to level 14, I need 35 days of resource gathering. For the next trading ship, which would be the 255th, I need 80 days. Hahaha. So, I believe that as account power increases, so do the resources, but I'm not entirely sure if the growth of the account matches the growth of gold being collected. Of course, Iā€™m not considering stopping the academies, temples, or mines just to speed up the purchase of a single trading ship .

    I made a big mistake at the very beginning of leaving the crystal aside. And what you are saying is completely true, but for me it is currently an impossible mission, only my 16th city will also be my second city on the crystal. I focused on marble but that's why research suffered, now I'm a player with 70 million points in construction and 4 million points in research. It is almost impossible for me to imagine a day when I will finish all the research and fire the researchers. In a period of 3 or 4 months I should set up my second city on the crystal, the moment I finish the residencies for him and get him ready to mine I will switch to investments, because there is no other way. Currently I get crystal by buying ambrosia and turning other resources into crystals.

    A lot of stories have been changed in this topic, so I don't know where to get involved, I agree with a lot of things, but I don't agree with a lot of things. Whoever mentioned that gold is hard to collect, I completely agree, I also agree that the most important thing is to have good neighbors, because if you don't have a good relationship with them, faith suffers, mines suffer. And of course there is always the risk that they will allow opponents easy access to the island. And I know that the neighborhood era is a big process, I'm not bragging, but I started good relations with my neighbors by being the first to show how to act, I was there to help them militarily as well as with resources, I'm a good donor, and they believe me always at maximum level. Because of some of these things the construction suffered and I slowed down the progress, but now I have a healthy environment where people help each other and we invest together.

    I have to admit that I have constant problems with the population, although I have approximately 4,600 inhabitants in each city, it is rarely the case that I have a surplus of free citizens because the academies, mines and temples take almost all the inhabitants. I've already raised the wine consumption to an enviable level, as well as the museum level, but even so, it's hard to reach and maintain 5,000 inhabitants per city unless we're talking about very powerful accounts or orders with very weak mines.

    You build, tear down and build from scratch. Changing tactics carries with it certain consequences, and for each retry you have to pay a certain price. Here it is time and resources, but still for the sake of a better tomorrow, because otherwise why would anyone decide to change something. Sometimes you can compare the game with real life, whenever you decide to change something, you need time to adapt to the changes, at first it will always be bad, but as time passes and the plan is correct, the results will come and you will start to profit.

    I'm sure the option of looting gold is much more exciting than not having it. That's why I decided to play on the war server, but with the merger of the war servers, big, huge banks came from different countries that carry 70.80 million gold coins in one shot, now to be honest with you, it's a big risk to hold a large amount of gold and a large the amount of the army in the cities, it has to be tactical, and that is the biggest thing that looting gold entails, tactics, how to get the gold, how to hide the gold, when to spend the gold, how and from whom to take the gold. First me, I've taken a lot and lost a lot, sometimes I think gold hunters never sleep!

    Respect returned to you, @WARMONGER . I know, and you will know soon, in a moment, what I am talking about. I have been following the APO alliance's battles for a long, long time, from the old server, through the old forum, before the collapse of the Serbian servers, after the collapse of the Serbian servers, before the global war server and after the global war server. I was in alliances with some of their members, with some I am now, these are people who have every possible solution and tactic of warfare in their fingers, certain tactics were created among them and are now used globally in warfare, those people are a long time ago, on old forum, were declared the best war alliance in the world. Now, I honestly don't know how many of that team of guys who were declared the best war alliance in the world are still active, but I'm sure that the APO alliance was the alliance with the most people who know how to fight. You can upload reports, damage done, green battle titles, but you have to know, if you declare war, for 10 days, only players who sign up to participate and the game is played exclusively on military damage, you have absolutely no chance, they will destroy and trample everything in front of them. They are the best warriors in online battles. But I say again, it is not necessary for me or anyone to lift APO into the sky, I think that over a period of time you will understand what Gavra and the team know and can do.