(reported) Missing tradeships
- Bug
- EN
- Pangaia 2
- O N E P I E C E
Did you change your government form?
Did you change your government form?
No, actually, after unloading some resources from pillage, my tradeships are gone for about 20-25 minutes i guess.
my tradeships are back, omg whats happening to my TS 😅
This can happen if they are dislocated. They could be back (they are not described as missing), but they are still out.
You cant see them in combat window (left side) or even ships window.
They will be back in few minutes. I think I had maximum about half an hour or so. -
There is a known Bug, that causes your ships to vanish. They never found the cause, so instead now there's a script each hour (iirc) that "unvanishes" all ships.
This can happen if they are dislocated. They could be back (they are not described as missing), but they are still out.
You cant see them in combat window (left side) or even ships window.
They will be back in few minutes. I think I had maximum about half an hour or so.I pillage someone, they are back and unloaded the resources and then vanish. After 30 mins plus they shows up
I pillage someone, they are back and unloaded the resources and then vanish. After 30 mins plus they shows up
Can you do that multiple times and explain how it can be replicated by other players?
That will help find the issue.
I pillage someone, they are back and unloaded the resources and then vanish. After 30 mins plus they shows up
Can you do that multiple times and explain how it can be replicated by other players?
That will help find the issue.
It just happened once, the next attacks is normal, and did not happen again.
There is a known Bug, that causes your ships to vanish. They never found the cause, so instead now there's a script each hour (iirc) that "unvanishes" all ships.
If someone is able to forward steps to reproduce this issue we will be happy to get this bug fixed as well.
Up to now all steps to reproduce didn't worked and the root cause is still unknown
Happened to me 3 times in a week, one of them 1 hour until return , the others just few minutes, it's random.
Happened to me 3 times in a week, one of them 1 hour until return , the others just few minutes, it's random.
That is not random - the script runs once a hour - random is your distance to the next run. But thats not the issue.
The issue is, that the script is required. -
Player-ID: 250066
Current City-ID: 370139
My cargo ships disappeared after returning from pillaging an inactive (Combat ID 1705826). The Inactive has not been graveyarded. The cargo ships unloaded their cargo in my port. I have logged out and back in, done a refresh, and the cargo ships are still gone.
None of the ships are scattered. My port is not blocked.
What's happened? When will my ships return?
And the cargo ships have just reappeared.
Yes, it use to happen - the cause is still unknown but thanks to an implemented script the ships are back within an hour in such cases.
Hopefully reporting these incidents will help pinpoint the problem and lead to a solution.
I'm sorry I didn't realize this was still open. My town advisor reported loot arriving in town 100k total about 36 hours ago. I was serial looting with 200 merchant ships so as I wouldn't lose them to Colossus.
I underlined where I am most sure this occurred as I got tired of waiting and took a war nap
These are the combat ID's
1954086 This was the "battle" Which has the highest likelihood(not underlined)
1954121This was US Alpha
my Debugdata
607097 994538 his Debugdata
646269 977750
i reported this same bug earlier and i didnt realize this thread was here. so im going to add to it a little. earlier today my ships went AWOL for about 17minutes.. there must be a reason that caused this..
anyway i remembered something when it happened. i think the glitch occurs when you try to go pillage an enemy town as soon as your ships return in half a second or less. this causes the game go glitch due to probably a refreshing issue.
as in you are in your combat overview. you click on the town you just came back from and because the game is trying to refresh the page from your city or whatever map you are currently on to a different island and trying to register your ships returning. it causes this.
the glitch is like a speeding. For trying to attack too fast (back to back with as little delay as possible to increase overall wealth, without giving your ships a break does this i believe. A methaphor is like spreading on the road the getting a ticket (ghosted trade ships) which slows you down (17m or so for me) more than just going the normal speed (waiting for returned pillage to be posted in general town overview before sending them out b2b with a second or less of cooldown time.
Basically to sum it up. youre trying to update the page from island to island and send out an attack before the game could register the return of your raid in the town overview. not sure if anyone notices but sometimes the game lags when you switch from view to view. ex (island > world > town, etc. in any order)
I believe to prevent this,
just wait 2-3 seconds or even better yet when your pillage returns to click the town overview tab to reselect the target rather than through the military's advisor.
I might be wrong anyone else with anything similar? i hope this helps to identify the issue or help fix it somehow. cant fix a issue if we dont know what the problem causing it.