Posts by Badmaniak

    As I said. You can move your buildings as others did years ago. ;)
    And in the game are a lot of problems, so they should not focus on anything new. With so many bugs (I can count about 10 major bugs right now, some of them more than a year old) there is no point to do something new. And with this speed it will take at least a year to repair the problems they have.

    I would not go with so big battlefileds as you suggested on those pictures but we definitely need some bigger battlefileds. Game is far from what it was in period when those battlefileds made....

    These battlefields are not so old. They were smaller before that.

    Yea there were smaller but those are old at least 10 years... I am sure it is even more... So yes they are very old considering how game changed since than...

    GAme is not changed since then. Only rules are debatable since than.
    So for old players with old manners this fields are still too big and enough.

    Game drastically changed. Players are far bigger and can have lot of more army than they could erlier. Now we can have over 20 towns. A lot of players have futers on lvl 25. Black market, multi accounts and banks came to game too. And those are just some of many factors that changes and have impact on army size.

    As I said. And you said it too. ;)
    Banks. Because of banks and black markets, there is no need for bigger fields.
    Old style players with not bankks or multis would not benefit from it. And these kind of players keep this game alive. Not the sporadic players.

    I would not go with so big battlefileds as you suggested on those pictures but we definitely need some bigger battlefileds. Game is far from what it was in period when those battlefileds made....

    These battlefields are not so old. They were smaller before that.

    Yea there were smaller but those are old at least 10 years... I am sure it is even more... So yes they are very old considering how game changed since than...

    GAme is not changed since then. Only rules are debatable since than.
    So for old players with old manners this fields are still too big and enough.

    You don't have to send the whole maximum for sale (what he needs). You just have to have it in your town from where you want to send it.
    Not only the one resource, but all of them he wants from his Trade center...
    After you will have all what he needs in your town, you can send whatever you want. Even 10k or whole 4M. ;)

    Draxo: There is few reports here.

    Problems is not with cookies nor script.

    Problem occured by these two things:
    1) You have open one world in multiple windows/tabs - so some tab is refreshed in that time and changed the town to the previous one and you can't see it during sending. You can see it only after confirmation that the town was changed.
    2) You have very slow internet (for example data on the mobile) and the changing of the town is shown on the screen but not recognized by server yet. Yo if you send the trops/resources it is still from the previous town. You can also see it after confirmation about sending that the town is the previous one.

    This problem here:
    (reported) Unable to sell resource to a player on the same island using freighters - Bug Reporting - Ikariam (

    Basically you CAN write the amount or you CAN click on MAX button ONLY if you have all resources they want to buy (the maximum resource, not just part of it).
    Otherwise the button MAX is not working and writing the amount of resources doesn't help (as you can see on the bottom where ships are still 0/X. For example 500 resources should wrote 1/X (1/200 of ships for example).

    You can go around it by wiritng the sum by hand but ONLY for trade ships and not freighters.

    This is bug for very long time and nobody did anything about it. :(

    Hele je to v závislosti na IP, přes kterou se loguješ.
    Nemusíš čekat ani týden na to, abys měla zpět CZK.

    Já to prostě řeším tak, že vím, kde mám CZK a kde ne. Doma a v práci mám EUR, na mobilu a v jiné nemovitosti CZK. Takhle to bývá pravidelně a mění se to jen občas.

    Prostě z nějakého důvodu některé lokace (nejsou u hranic) vidí GF jako zahraničí. :(

    Trading problem is not with wood but with all resources. If you want to sell something and the offer wants more resources than you have, you can't use the MAX button (so you can't sell with freighters at all and with normal ships you have to write the amount by hand). ;)

    And yes, they added two major updates and this problem is not fixed at all.

    Because of math.
    Yes, it is possible that data on Wiki is not accurate. But with counting on that data it should not be possible.

    But thank you L.O.B for additional screens without the Christmas bonus.

    And that is why you have 14 towns on one screen and 15 towns on other screen?
    Even with what you wrote, 16,5k/hour is not real.

    Forester/winery - 40 instead of 34 - about 4% difference
    Helping hands with techno - about 15% difference
    Premium, shrine, dionysus, helios (cinema is funny, but I don't count it because I didn't talk about that city), Mill - same
    Christmass bonus 30% - about 13% difference
    Mine 58 instead of 48? - this is not that 68% difference I miss. ;)

    Sorry, but not real.

    The more solid the infrastructure in the early stages is, the smoother the expansion will be in future, my strategy.

    Please wrote the bonuses of your world. :)
    This is probably Ares? Or bonuses of the classic world plus Christmas bonuses.

    Nah, it's Beta .EN. He's good!

    Without server bonus?
    Christmas bonus was 30%.
    I have about 4B donated, levels 57/48 and I have half of it per town - 8500/city (yes, I don't have extra people on the mines).
    But even with extra people on mines I could have about 10k, with 20% bonus 10,5k, with 30% Christmas bonus maximum 12k.
    How could he have over 16k? What mines he has?