What's the current status on multi-accounting?

  • Just returning to the game after a few years away. Occasionally, when i'm trying to refresh my knowledge or look something i will find a forum post that pretty much makes it seem like multi-accounting is thing and that everyone is doing it? Is that right or am i misunderstanding it?

    the game guides seem to indicate it's still not allowed. I don't want to break the rules but i also don't want to be at a competitive disadvantage if everyone is openly getting this advantage but me.

  • this sounds pretty familiar to rules last time i played. why are folks complaining or making a big point about multi-accounting giving unfair advantages? this sounds like it'd give no benefits.

  • I mean technically there are ways to abuse this.

    If someone wants to "wash their resources" all they have to do is arrange for someone (alliance or other) to pillage their resources off the account and trade it to them or just send it to them.

    Honestly, you could go further and just have both players in the same alliance or someone outside the alliance pillage use an alt account to pillage resources and have the main player who needs them to also pillage said resources from the alt. There is no inherent "cheating" there as the pillaging is fair game and there are no strict rules on pillages resources coming into possession of a main account holder via third party.

    This is how people get away with Banks for armies/navies. The "I know a guy who knows guy who knows a guy" game can go far.

  • haha i appreciate you writing out the explanation. this sounds way too intense and not enjoyable in my eyes. I rather enjoy the game than worry about progressing like this! I hope others will share in that sentiment

  • The "I know a guy who knows guy who knows a guy" game can go far.

    One guy I knew, used his accounts, from the first merge, to donate to his islands. Now with the graveyarding, those donations get cloned... Thinking in terms of decades, it's a viable strategy which will give huge results.


    Viet Nam Sociality[VNS] - Alpha US Spokesman
    Bậc Thầy Thịt mèo Nướng

    BBQ CAT Master Chef

  • The "I know a guy who knows guy who knows a guy" game can go far.

    One guy I knew, used his accounts, from the first merge, to donate to his islands. Now with the graveyarding, those donations get cloned... Thinking in terms of decades, it's a viable strategy which will give huge results.


    what's graveyarding? how do resources get cloned?

  • The "I know a guy who knows guy who knows a guy" game can go far.

    One guy I knew, used his accounts, from the first merge, to donate to his islands. Now with the graveyarding, those donations get cloned... Thinking in terms of decades, it's a viable strategy which will give huge results.


    what's graveyarding? how do resources get cloned?

    If you have multiple accounts on multiple servers, you can go inactive on one and after an amount of time (depending on the growth of the account, max like 2 months I think?) the account will enter asphodel or the game's "Graveyard".

    You have to pull it out by transferring it to a world server. The benefit is you collect multiple town teleports (so imagine having 10 town teleports for every single colony you own) , the donations your account has made to prior islands and resource booster rewards.

    This was the Ikariam team's way of avoiding deleting premium feature accounts while still preserving their opportunity to play the game once/if they return.

    Some people have amassed so many alt account they are able to merge over like 11 of them to a server and hold islands, supply players with gold/militaries, and so on.

  • Huh, how does that work. re-multi accounting? Is that said player effectively multiaccounting with alt accounts? Or when you say that they "merge" is that idea that a bunch of their accounts all merge their towns and cities into one super account?

  • No, in simpler terms you can move up to 11 different accounts to a server. Once there they will all have to be linked via an IP-Treaty, and can't have fleet or military contact.

  • For the record, this is also against the rules. You can't use a third party to move resources from your account A to your other account B (or any account you have an IP Sharing agreement with).

  • Yes this is against the rules, but that would mean the Game Operators/Staff would have to prove the cheating is occurring and that would mean they would have to assume things without concrete facts which makes a ban some what unfair/illegitimate

  • Yes this is against the rules, but that would mean the Game Operators/Staff would have to prove the cheating is occurring and that would mean they would have to assume things without concrete facts which makes a ban some what unfair/illegitimate

    Yes, it's against the rules and your accounts would be banned for it. There is nothing to assume if the 3rd account has been used for moving resources.

  • Yes this is against the rules, but that would mean the Game Operators/Staff would have to prove the cheating is occurring and that would mean they would have to assume things without concrete facts which makes a ban some what unfair/illegitimate

    Yes, it's against the rules and your accounts would be banned for it. There is nothing to assume if the 3rd account has been used for moving resources.

    In what way would you honestly be able to prove that a player who pillages X account and being pillaged by another player automatically means they are intentionally moving resources? It could be a player protecting their weaker alt account from further attacks. There's no rule against pillaging other players that happen to have your Alternative accounts resources. Sure, direct transportation of resources from Player 1 to Player 2 to get the resources to Player 3 is blatant circumventing, but Pillaging is not.

    In this way, you would either have to use your own assumptions to get to a conclusion that the accounts are moving resources. Otherwise, it could be that I have X amount of accounts on an island, and another player is pillaging one of my alts that I want to protect. That's a plausible scenario that will not be an easily proved lie unless openly admitted.

    To further my point, If I had a bank of army/fleets and I can't directly transfer them to my alternate account the simplest way to get it to them is the same method as the pillaging, I just sell it to a different player to "wash my hands" of it who has a different IP address. From there they can then resell it to my alternate account and there is no legit way to prove if it was a real sell or circumventing rules. There's also no real way for the "middle-men
    in these trades to be held responsible, they could be a legit normal player who sells units. It can get MUCH more complicated if you have multiple people involved, and I have no doubt that has happened before.

    This is how many people play this game, I'm not making anything up out of thin air with this system. Multi-accounting is a slippery slope and there is no concrete way to combat it besides outright banning the use of it.

    Edited 4 times, last by GambleUS ().

  • In what way would you honestly be able to prove that a player who pillages X account and being pillaged by another player automatically means they are intentionally moving resources?

    You bank too much on the intent. It is not relevant.
    Same applies to the trade flush.

    You agree to the rules when you play, and thereby agree that circumvention of IP-sharing is not allowed.

    Whether you commit the rule infraction intentionally or by accident makes no difference in the root cause of rule infraction being committed.

    That being said if you were to flush trades/pillages/what be it, just do a more complicated flush and even apply some time intervals and you'll be just fine.

    Or, you know, just use VPN to bypass possible IP circumvention issues entirely.

  • That being said if you were to flush trades/pillages/what be it, just do a more complicated flush and even apply some time intervals and you'll be just fine.

    Or, you know, just use VPN to bypass possible IP circumvention issues entirely.

    Wanna give it a try and see if it works? :P

    In this way, you would either have to use your own assumptions to get to a conclusion that the accounts are moving resources. Otherwise, it could be that I have X amount of accounts on an island, and another player is pillaging one of my alts that I want to protect. That's a plausible scenario that will not be an easily proved lie unless openly admitted.

    If it happens onece or twice - sure. But the game administration use to check the situation in a longer term and if it's clearly visible as a regular action - sorry, nothing to assume again.

  • That being said if you were to flush trades/pillages/what be it, just do a more complicated flush and even apply some time intervals and you'll be just fine.

    Or, you know, just use VPN to bypass possible IP circumvention issues entirely.

    Wanna give it a try and see if it works? :P

    My rule infraction ban rate is same as yours.

    For better or worse. ;)

  • Seriously, I doubt they use blockchain for hoplites lol.

    Gameforge would owe some an apology they'd never make.

    This means 2 IP accounts can't use the same military bank...


    Viet Nam Sociality[VNS] - Alpha US Spokesman
    Bậc Thầy Thịt mèo Nướng

    BBQ CAT Master Chef