What do we want to see in the NEXT Update?

  • We have had a little time to play with and adjust to the new update...

    Let's discuss what we would like to follow, in the next update or two.

    Here are some that I would like to see

    • Some sort of adjustment to ships or shipping capacity. I have made my own suggestion thread about it here. Another interesting suggestion would be to adjust shipping capacity, by using Palace level as a multiplier on the current capacity limit per cargo ship.
    • More building spaces. We currently have 15 spaces that we can build what we want in them (I deliberately left out the TH, port/shipyward/piracy/wall spots... Because they are limited or predetermined). We have 17 different buildings we can build. This wouldn't be a big deal, except to build some of the higher level buildings in the game. we need to take up multiple building spots with storage buildings. Building these up and tearing them down is extremely wasteful. Making the storage buildings drastically cheaper in resources and much shorter in building times is one possible solution, to make temporary buildings less painful... However, I think it would make more sense to have an extra building space or three added to the cities. Our towns have plenty of available screen real estate to expand into.
    • Lower the donation costs to raise levels in the mines and mills. Let's face it... We are all going to need mountains of resources on a scale that would make Smaug envious. We already have production fundamentally limited by the populations we can sustain and will be balanced by the military levels we can support (to retain these resources). Whether you obtain these resources by taking them from others or by massive production... They need to come from somewhere.
    • Shorten the combat rounds. Fifteen minutes? Really? Loading and transport times are already limiting factors, combined with actual shipping capacity limits... We are going to need to be able to pillage at a reasonable rate, to obtain these resources in something resembling a single lifetime. Shorten combat rounds to five minutes.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

    Edited once, last by Scythe ().

    AJP, alejandrocollazos and Steam Engine like this.
  • I want to see more merchant ship or more capacity:

    I produce +1.500.000 resources per day, this is +13 times my merchant ships capacity. If I need to move this to a 20 minutes distance, I need 260 minutes (4 hours and 20 minutes) EVERY DAY. Every day I can't waste 4-5 hours to only move resources.

    More future research or new:

    A lot of people in my server with full futures level 25. Maybe more levels or a new research with a new benefits.

    "Pero que tendrá este país que cuanto más tonto eres llegas más alto." Ernesto Jiménez - El Ministerio del Tiempo

    AJP likes this.
  • Shorten the combat rounds. Fifteen minutes? Really? Loading and transport times are already limiting factors, combined with actual shipping capacity limits... We are going to need to be able to pillage at a reasonable rate, to obtain these resources in something resembling a single lifetime. Shorten combat rounds to five minutes.

    While I agree to almost everything above, I don't think we should touch the battles and shorten them. Keep in mind that not all players can spend all the time at the screen, so 15 mins per round gives them an option to do something else (which would not be possible with 5 or 10 mins).

  • I want to see more merchant ship or more capacity:

    I produce +1.500.000 resources per day, this is +13 times my merchant ships capacity. If I need to move this to a 20 minutes distance, I need 260 minutes (4 hours and 20 minutes) EVERY DAY. Every day I can't waste 4-5 hours to only move resources.

    More future research or new:

    A lot of people in my server with full futures level 25. Maybe more levels or a new research with a new benefits.

    Thankfully, the CoMa has acknowledged that even GF knows that something will need to be done... They are all mulling over how that will manifest. We could use some concrete ideas on how to go about it. I've pointed out a couple ways to accomplish it.

    I agree that a new line of research would be a great idea, but not sure in what direction that should really take. I mean, isn't it kind of boring after doing the same research 100 times? I'm referring to four futures researches being done to 25th level.

    I think it would be great, if a new line of research would open up after slogging through 100 levels of futures.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

  • Shorten the combat rounds. Fifteen minutes? Really? Loading and transport times are already limiting factors, combined with actual shipping capacity limits... We are going to need to be able to pillage at a reasonable rate, to obtain these resources in something resembling a single lifetime. Shorten combat rounds to five minutes.

    While I agree to almost everything above, I don't think we should touch the battles and shorten them. Keep in mind that not all players can spend all the time at the screen, so 15 mins per round gives them an option to do something else (which would not be possible with 5 or 10 mins).

    Ok, how about this... Have the battle rounds speed up, if the battle exceeds 5 rounds? At that point, the fight has already lasted an hour and 15 minutes... I'm more looking at keeping the overall combat times down, than thinking about single round pillages. Not that we see them much anymore... But, I think we have all seen some epic battles that lasted weeks and really came down to gold supply more than having built the right military composition.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

  • But, I think we have all seen some epic battles that lasted weeks and really came down to gold supply more than having built the right military composition.

    Well, believe or not but I know a lot people and alliances who want long battles and fight for days, so t hat they can restore the armies.

    A shame there isn't a different option for combat round length for pillaging vs conflict fighting. I can see the appeal for that to some in wars... I doubt anyone out to pillage wants to tie up their boats and troops for hours and hours, or days and weeks.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

  • Shorten the combat rounds. Fifteen minutes? Really? Loading and transport times are already limiting factors, combined with actual shipping capacity limits... We are going to need to be able to pillage at a reasonable rate, to obtain these resources in something resembling a single lifetime. Shorten combat rounds to five minutes.

    While I agree to almost everything above, I don't think we should touch the battles and shorten them. Keep in mind that not all players can spend all the time at the screen, so 15 mins per round gives them an option to do something else (which would not be possible with 5 or 10 mins).

    Ok, how about this... Have the battle rounds speed up, if the battle exceeds 5 rounds? At that point, the fight has already lasted an hour and 15 minutes... I'm more looking at keeping the overall combat times down, than thinking about single round pillages. Not that we see them much anymore... But, I think we have all seen some epic battles that lasted weeks and really came down to gold supply more than having built the right military composition.

    Epic battles last for years, not weeks, you can check this out on the forum where it was posted, and as for shortening the battle time... well, you have the war server for that.


  • 1. more ships or increased capacity,

    with tones of islands filled with 17 cities on it lots of players will end up in long distances as city-Numbers are increased

    also with the change of +64% increase to 122% , 5 storages 70+ pirates also will need tones of ships

    (i believe the lowest should be X5 capacity)

    2.give one more space in city so its easier to keep both cost decreasing buildings same time with increasing for those who go to build max lvl buildings)

    3. create extra research trees, some ideas is fastest ships, increase capacity of ships , lower the cost of buildings, make field of battles wider

    4. make infinite battle fields, with 66 town halls the military will be huge and the fight will take weeks

  • Shorten the combat rounds. Fifteen minutes? Really? Loading and transport times are already limiting factors, combined with actual shipping capacity limits... We are going to need to be able to pillage at a reasonable rate, to obtain these resources in something resembling a single lifetime. Shorten combat rounds to five minutes.

    While I agree to almost everything above, I don't think we should touch the battles and shorten them. Keep in mind that not all players can spend all the time at the screen, so 15 mins per round gives them an option to do something else (which would not be possible with 5 or 10 mins).

    Ok, how about this... Have the battle rounds speed up, if the battle exceeds 5 rounds? At that point, the fight has already lasted an hour and 15 minutes... I'm more looking at keeping the overall combat times down, than thinking about single round pillages. Not that we see them much anymore... But, I think we have all seen some epic battles that lasted weeks and really came down to gold supply more than having built the right military composition.

    Epic battles last for years, not weeks, you can check this out on the forum where it was posted, and as for shortening the battle time... well, you have the war server for that.

    Long battles are fine for wars... I was looking at keeping times down for pillaging, as it is now a more necessary component for acquiring resources.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

  • Basically with such a rushed update the whole game might need some rebalancing

    Basically from what I understand the game operators are not very keen on making further changes.. the only things they are "considering" are more construction sites and the balance of merchant ships XD

    It just shows how much they have no idea about the game and the update was done quickly without any thought

  • ^

    arguments such as: we need 200 years to take resources to expand the building by 1 level do not appeal to them. They say that we also have "plunder" but find me players on depopulated servers from whom I am able to farm 1,000,000,000 raw materials in a relatively short distance. Well, unless we are talking about swimming through half a map and bringing 100k of raw material for 6 hours. at this pace, it will only take us 150, not 200 years. :DD

    then, when do I ship the wine to the rest of my cities?

    I repeat it all the time and will write it again;

    THIS UPDATE DOES NOT HAVE ANY SENSE IN THE CURRENT GAME STATE (speed of ships, number of raw materials transported, amount of raw materials needed to upgrade buildings, resource extraction)

    Why advertise as and send e-mails like "NOW YOU CAN HAVE 21 TOWNS" if it is unattainable in next 100 years?

    correct me if I'm wrong

  • I would like to see some new researches – maybe for increasing ships capacity or whatever.
    And the second thing, but the most important for me, could be the one additional building spot in cities. It can be achieved by finishing a research.

  • Basically with such a rushed update the whole game might need some rebalancing

    Basically from what I understand the game operators are not very keen on making further changes.. the only things they are "considering" are more construction sites and the balance of merchant ships XD

    It just shows how much they have no idea about the game and the update was done quickly without any thought

    I just want to clarify terms. Game Operators are merely volunteers, that are solely tasked with locating and banning cheaters at the game. I think the term you were searching for is Game Developer.

    I don't think that the Game Developers have the ability to step outside of themselves and even attempt to understand the psychology of those that play the game and their desires, nor do I think they have the inclination to do so. Beyond that, my experience is that they don't even care about those things in general after being confronted with them.

    They have their own visions about the game. And the way they respond to our expressions of displeasure are inconsistent and don't always make sense. I don't think most players in the game really understand what the balance of power with Game Forge staff really is. It's easy to confuse.

    The CoMa is like a god, from our perspective. In reality, they are a layer of separation and a filter between us and the Game Developer(s). They are a customer service representative. It's only more recently that the CoMa is taking a more hands on approach. His predecessors used the volunteer game staff as yet another layer of filter/separation. Once upon a time, even GOs/Mods had to be so careful interacting with CoMas, that in reality.... It was better to just stay silent. The Admins were the only ones really "allowed" to talk to the CoMa without much fear of reprisal.

    This degree of separation is to protect the Game Developers from having to deal with us. But now, like the past, that degree of separation causes problems. I'm just glad that the filter seems a little more porous, than it did in the past. That I have confidence that at least some of our better ideas make it to the table of discussion for genuine consideration, should say something. I'm rather cynical and have not had much faith in Game Forge in the past

    At least we are getting better treatment and more direct response from Game Forge staff than we have historically. In reflection, The CoMa is probably to protect Game Forge and us from the consequences of any direct interaction (of Game Developers) with us. If it were more direct, I suspect the results would be disastrous.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

    AJP and ChanieL like this.
  • 1. Add two more building spot in every city:


    2. Add (180) + 300 more researchable or buyable Trade Ship,
    and (40) + 60 more buyable Phoenician Merchant Ship.

    3. Increase the ship capacity from the current amount of 500 to 2 000.

    (2.+3. = Altogether with the seven day bonus, in case of 20 cities, you could reach up to (480 + 20 + 100 =) 600 Trade Ship, with wich you could transport 1 200 000 building material per ship turn.)

    4. By pillaging, limit the sendable ships to the maximum number of 100 per destination city (you can't send more ships until they come back), that way the excessive pillaging could be avoided.

    5. Add a new premium feature: which allows by the not fixed buildings to swap their places with each other.

    6. Allow us to convert the items – that we already have in our inventory – back for ambrosia.
    So we would have the opportunity to change our mind to buy something else instead.

    Luigi1, mehmetcellox, titouanlocatelli and 2 others like this.
  • 1. Add two more building spot in every city:

    It would make the game too easy. With the updated storage of warehouse and depot I don't see a need new spots without new buildings.

    6. Allow us to convert the items – that we already have in our inventory – back for ambrosia.

    Most likely never gonna happen.

  • 1. Add two more building spot in every city:

    It would make the game too easy. With the updated storage of warehouse and depot I don't see a need new spots without new buildings.

    You could make so that you unlock a new building spot when you reach Town Hall level 30 something and maybe another one on level 60. IDK. I honestly think 1 more building space might be nice, but make it hard to obtain, you need Town Hall level 40 or 50 for example.

    I think that change would be way too drastic. But yeah, maybe up the amount of trade ships just a bit. 180 to 250 for example

    AJP and xzeroo like this.
  • I like the idea of two more building spots, But I also think it should be hard to obtain... Perhaps based on Palace level. Make it so that you get one for a palace level of 11 and another for having 4 lvl 40 warehouses in the city. You would get an extra one in all cities for the Palace, but the warehouse one would be case by case and per city to unlock.

    You really don't need the extra building spots, until you have advanced a bit in the game.

    I used the old hard caps as a model for where that would be. Anyone that has an 11th Palace had to build 4 40th warehouses.


    Truth is my weapon. Knowledge is my armor. Wisdom is my strategist. Love is my warrior...

    Quote by Matshona Dhliwayo

    "Why must you always chase after dragons?"

    "Because they are the ones that have all the gold"

    -Overheard conversation in a decrepit cantina

    "Why do Dragons hoard gold?"

    "Simply to flex on other sapient species"

    -Overheard conversation between scholar's apprentices

    RIP over 1,700 posts that I left behind on the old forums

    AJP and xzeroo like this.