We have had a little time to play with and adjust to the new update...
Let's discuss what we would like to follow, in the next update or two.
Here are some that I would like to see
- Some sort of adjustment to ships or shipping capacity. I have made my own suggestion thread about it here. Another interesting suggestion would be to adjust shipping capacity, by using Palace level as a multiplier on the current capacity limit per cargo ship.
- More building spaces. We currently have 15 spaces that we can build what we want in them (I deliberately left out the TH, port/shipyward/piracy/wall spots... Because they are limited or predetermined). We have 17 different buildings we can build. This wouldn't be a big deal, except to build some of the higher level buildings in the game. we need to take up multiple building spots with storage buildings. Building these up and tearing them down is extremely wasteful. Making the storage buildings drastically cheaper in resources and much shorter in building times is one possible solution, to make temporary buildings less painful... However, I think it would make more sense to have an extra building space or three added to the cities. Our towns have plenty of available screen real estate to expand into.
- Lower the donation costs to raise levels in the mines and mills. Let's face it... We are all going to need mountains of resources on a scale that would make Smaug envious. We already have production fundamentally limited by the populations we can sustain and will be balanced by the military levels we can support (to retain these resources). Whether you obtain these resources by taking them from others or by massive production... They need to come from somewhere.
- Shorten the combat rounds. Fifteen minutes? Really? Loading and transport times are already limiting factors, combined with actual shipping capacity limits... We are going to need to be able to pillage at a reasonable rate, to obtain these resources in something resembling a single lifetime. Shorten combat rounds to five minutes.