Ability to change the Monuments in your Island

  • Ikariam isn't a game that you play for 1-2 years.. It is a game that people play it for more than 10 years now (and counting). Needs of people can change due to these years and the game should give players the option for a change.

    Sure someone could use the town relocation, but lets face it, when you have already invest millions in your island saw mill and luxury good it isn't an real option.

    You can't leave a saw mill 40++ for something 10 5-6 levels down.. (the same stands for luxury good too)

    Someone could also say, that the people should be more carefull in first place when the decided in which island they will build their empire.. But some of us done this choice back when the island miracles had a completely different function (ie, the temple of Ηades gave +20% marble production, athena+20% crystal, gaia +20% wine and Hephaestus +20% sulphur), so it wasn't really our choise..

    Therefore, i believe that the game should give players the option to change the island monument..

    In my mind is something like that players of an island should be able to begin a vote of a change for the monument.

    In order to begin the voting the player should pay something ( either goods, gold, favour or ambrosia)

    The voting will go based on the island faith share. In order for the monument to change, the votes should reach 100% conversion - Thus either all players with a temple agree or the ones who want to change the monument should have enought priest to cover it...

    When the voting finish, if the change pass.. then the players will have to face the rage of Gods (a countermeasure, in order to avoid overexploration of the new feature). From the mythology we know that when Athenians, decide as a protective Goddess Athena, instead of Poseidon, Poseidon in hot anger flooded the Thriasian plain and laid Attika under the sea.

    Based on this myth... When someone votes for another god..then he should receive a punishment from the old god. Also the other Gods (no bonuses from Gods’ Shrine) would not help the cities of the player until he resolves the conflict with the old god.

    So, either one week punishement.. or a donation of faith/ goods, gold, or ambrosia (or it could be 1 week normally with a premium option for instant resolution)

  • In my opinion, I think the each person should have a choice to change the monument to themselves, without effecting the whole island.

    Remember, The island is for everyone, not just you and me. What if i change it, and you do not like it, then what happens?

    Then i change it back, and you dont like it, so you change again. And we can keep going for years like this.

    In my optinion each city, should have a choice (Like a building), so you can choose which god you would like to effect your kingdom. And thats it.

  • It must be like in the temple of Olympia. We should be able to choose from the temple. An island belief should not be associated with all players on the island. Players who don't employ priests impress us


  • You are not playing alone this game.. you have to interract with other players too
    The island god is a feature from the beggining of the game and i don't think that it will change.. Improve yes.. complete change of logic, not something that gameforge will even consider.

    Thats why i am suggesting voting..and the value of the vote should be the number of the priests (aka the Island share of conversion..) In order for the monument to change, you should have 100% conversion... maybe negative votes should deduct from the result.. but working with your neighbours or trying to overpower them.. is the base of the game.. If everything depends on your decicion alone, then it is not an interacting game anymore.

    It must be like in the temple of Olympia. We should be able to choose from the temple. An island belief should not be associated with all players on the island. Players who don't employ priests impress us

    As i said.. yea it will be easier for everyone.. but it will be less interaction between the players. I believe that the game needs more interaction.. not either way arround

  • There is a free way of doing this, you let your acc go to graveyard and then make it return and you recive back the donation you have done and 1 city movement for each city!

    But it is 37 days without Ikariam and make sure you don't end within top 50!

    Also i think this won't be implemented since then it would be abused like hell for multie users, imagine that you can wherever you like put up forge islands, poseidons etc.

    Also what would be next step? you can choose resourses on the island aswell?

    Tbf this would make it even worse cheaters would benefit ALOT. Imagine place multies on enemies islands and then vote to change their forge to a Athena to protect their safe resourses instead.

  • Like i said, thats why i am saying that you have to get 100% conversion to do that..

    this mean, the sum of the priest that vote yes minus the sum of the priest that vote no should get 100% conversion of the island... I am not saying that this can't be affected by multies.. True.. it is one disadvantage.. but it is very difficult for a multy to overpower the total of the priest of a normal player.. If there are multiple cities in an island, it will be imposible for a multi to do that.

    i don't think that graveyard works this way.. if you return to your previous server you just go to your previous island, or to closer one with the same luxury good

  • The graveyard works that way, true you comeback to the closest free cordinates from your previous ones, but with a city movement for each of your cities + with donation! Atleast last time i checked (was today)

    Also what you have to take into consideration is that people that have choosed current islands based on miracles what happen to them? They have choosed that islands due to it match their wishes of miracle and resourses, should they get free city movement now when you can change it then aswell?

    What i see is Gameforge losing money on this no where for them to profit on it and there for just a waste of time to discuss it, one way it COULD work is if it's cost 500 ambrosia to put up a vote, then it MAY should work but still to OP.

  • The graveyard works that way, true you comeback to the closest free cordinates from your previous ones, but with a city movement for each of your cities + with donation! Atleast last time i checked (was today)

    Also what you have to take into consideration is that people that have choosed current islands based on miracles what happen to them? They have choosed that islands due to it match their wishes of miracle and resourses, should they get free city movement now when you can change it then aswell?

    What i see is Gameforge losing money on this no where for them to profit on it and there for just a waste of time to discuss it, one way it COULD work is if it's cost 500 ambrosia to put up a vote, then it MAY should work but still to OP.

    Imagine a island with 10 cities lvl 35 (population 4,180/city Total 41,800)

    if all these cities have temple (aka using the monument) you will need at least 8360 priests to vote yes

    if all vote yes, its easy.. and no problem..

    If one town with a temple lvl 32 votes NO, then the other 9 cities will need 9452 to vote for yes (thus 9 temples lvl 32)...

    if two towns (or one player with two towns), with a temple lvl32 votes No.. then the otehr 8 cities will need 10544 priest to pass the change (thus 8 temples with lvl 37)

    if three towns with a temple lvl32 vote NO.. then the other 7 cities will need 11636 priests.. (thus temples with level 42-43)

    it can't be used unless the inhabitans of an island all agree about the change.. OR if the inhabitans they don't use the current monument (so they don't have temples in their cities, thus they don't care if the monument changes or not.)

    I am ok to pay ambrosia for it....I am not buying ambrosia regularly and i am tryiing to play without premium features, but for changes that will allow me to be more active and solve this problem, i am willing to pay..

  • I remember when the islands did different things then they do now.. I also remember asking about getting some town relocations because of the change was told basicly.. pay up or destroy rebuild.. so GF give no F's about that.

    I'd be worried about votes taking place all the time.. it's bad enough if you're on a island you don't like now because of that change year ago but it would also suck if someone changed your wonders cause you missed a vote like if you was in vmode or something and come back to find your island(s) different.

    I would be for this, just get rid of island wonders and make the temple act like the shrine.. except you can only pray to 1 at a time for a given town, then players could change to suit their needs and not be dependent on other players.

    It's been a long time but back in the day the OP is talking about there wasn't temples/faith, instead each island gave static bonuses for various things.

    Like I remember one of them gave a discount on buying cargo ships.

    So each island having a specific wonder is true but the system was changed quite radically like 10 years ago, I think this what OP is referring to.

    The problem with having shared island resource like that is leeches, and sometimes those leechers are in the form of multi accounts which exist solely to destroy an islands faith.

    But that aside even if you dont' have multi abuse going on there is no way to inflict punishment on a player if they refuse to help out.

    If they have their goods under protection, and they're in gold mode.. there is nothing you can do to them.

    There is still battles, piracy, and trade to interact with, so let's not pretend like everything centers around the island faith.

    I suggested adding gold pillaging back, but oh no that's not fair to the builders.. who do the builders interact with? they're more isolationist than anyone except perhaps trading goods.

    Diplomat - Raging Kings [Beta]

  • That would be the greatest nooo from me in the history of mankind!

    Because, i spent a long time searching for the correct combo of islands close to each other with the monuments i like very much! (Since all the good island combinations were taken). So some of my cities live far from each other.

    And yes, I spent money on reloacting my cities.

    even though its a vote.. why not go to find the island you like, with the right monuments.

    Thats a no from here as well, cause then the monuments on each island would be very much useless, and the resources i and others spent would go to waste.

  • The momuments would open op a space for another interresting stuff to be added in the furtur.

    Besides, resources would go to waste no matter what. Its a part of playing to loose something once in a while. And its just a game, not real life. I would be angry if i lost something in real life, but this; you can always come back. The lost resources will always get back to you.

    Not a big deal.

    If we are talking about resources each player loose in wars is actually very huge. Rebuilding your lost army and looting others and sometimes you get looted. Resources you spend on lost spies etc.

    Its a part of the game to loose resources and you are getting something in return. A building where you would choose your own monuments to effect your kingdom. Then you can live in any island you want. They all are the same.

  • Ikariam isn't a game that you play for 1-2 years.. It is a game that people play it for more than 10 years now (and counting). Needs of people can change due to these years and the game should give players the option for a change.

    I totally agree with you.
    I have been a player since 2009. I remember perfectly well the times when there were no wonders on the islands, and when they appeared on the islands (only with selected resources) and became important in the game, I already had 10 cities.

    Older players deserve some kind of discount. They deserve the opportunity to change the miracle on the island. Of course, on certain conditions.

    You could introduce such a change on servers where selected wonders are assigned to specific resources, because these servers are the most disadvantaged. It could even cost ambrosia. Or simply, the inhabitants of the islands could build a new wonder of their choice for raw materials.

    It is a really problem for old worlds in Ikariam.

  • Ok... i understand your responce.. Now imagine..that this happend to a lot of players who had searched and make their empires with the OLD monuments... and suddenly in one night.. the powers changed... and istead of getting the bonus they were getting before.. (and in order to get that bonus they had invest resourses, time and maybe money...) they got some monuments with no effect at all..

    Is this right for you? because it isn't affecting you.... but it had affected a lot of players who had invest also money...