Lost(Lost) Declares War on MAFIA (MAFIA) and ALLSTARS (STARS)

  • bll is right. Respect is something that is earned. Respect is a privilege we bestow upon those we feel have earned it.

    When you talk about respect, I'm not sure if you truly understand the meaning of the word. So here's a lesson from an unbiased source:

    We respect people who demonstrate integrity, honor, honesty. We respect those who have a sense of good sportsmanship and fair play. These are not traits we have seen from Godfather.

    In contrast, we have seen Godfather create this entire conflict based on a false premise. One player from VIP raided members of SP. In response, SP began attacking everyone in VIP. The rationale presented to the general public was that all of VIP raided and that's why SP felt justified in sending their full forces against such a small alliance. The scheme worked, as this witness can attest to:

    Quote from TheGodfather

    but no one can claim or prove that I do not stand behind the words I say. If I say something about a subject, I always stand behind it.

    I present to you this as a perfect example of why you have not earned our respect.

    You lied.

    You lied to all of Alpha.

    You made up an excuse to send your huge alliance after VIP.

    You stand behind your version of events rather than the truth.

    You also have no respect for other alliances' sovereignty.

    Lost and WLS have both been around since the beginning of the server. We have long since earned our right to be here. Every alliance has the right to choose its own leaders. But because they did not go along with your plans, you believe that somehow WLS doesn't have that right. Hence, your continued pressure to force WLS to remove its own leader.

    You do not get to dictate to others who is allowed to do what inside their own alliance. We don't tell MAFIA who's allowed to be its leader. You do not get to tell anyone else who's allowed to be their leader.

    When you say we're not giving you respect, I believe this is what you really mean:

    When SP was fighting VIP, Lost towns were caught in the crossfire. You expected us to just let SP to hold our towns. When members of Lost started resisting, you came to me asking who's side we were on.

    You expected acquiesce.

    When you needed a town to attack Lost from, you used a WLS player's towns. You expected him to just sit there and take it. When he resisted, you decided to start targeting WLS players in your conflict.

    You expected acquiesce.

    When Vendon and I tried to talk to you in Discord, you weren't interested in anything we had to say unless we told you exactly what you wanted to hear. We were there to discuss diplomacy. Instead, you demanded total obedience to your demands, otherwise the entire conversation was just "wasting your time."

    You expected acquiesce.

    Quote from TheGodfather

    We will no longer accept June and Vendog as diplomatic messengers. Their words are worthless.

    You don't like it when people refuse to bow to your alternate reality. Unfortunately for you, that is not how diplomacy works. In real diplomacy, both sides come together to discuss a way forward, not issue demands or help support an overblown ego. There is no one in Lost or WLS that is going to tell you what you want to hear.

    If you want to start earning respect, there are ways you can do it. But it's not done through making demands.

    Instead, I would encourage you to reach out to us. Ingame, on the boards, in discord, or even this option:

    If you want to talk, the door is open. All you need to do is open it and be willing to have an honest discussion. It is never too late to try earning our respect.


    Turmoil's in the air

    Hold your breath be deadly calm

    Make a final prayer

    Don't forget what you have done

  • Hi Godfather,

    In case you were unaware, my name in game is "Skyhawk".

    I hold the post of Lost Diplomat, and, as June recently reminded me, have done so for over 10 years now.

    For longer than you've been on this server.

    For longer than this version of the Ikariam boards have existed.

    So perhaps you are unaware of some very simple truths on the alpha server:

    a.) June Barcarolle is very respected. Bar none.

    I don't say that lightly.

    There was a vote for server representative. And June won that vote hands down.

    She has a reputation for honesty and straight-dealing.

    So you have to understand that when you or others try to call her a liar, others on the alpha server just roll their eyes.

    June is also one of the best diplomats bar none.

    That you don't want to deal with her says more about you than about her.

    b.) While Ikariam is many things, including allowing for battle; and while 1:1 between two similar levelled players is the typical norm on Ikariam; most alliances frown upon individuals who repeatedly prey on those of far lower score than them. Or in other ways to bully people.

    It's just bad for the game.

    If you chase people from the Ikariam game, the game dies. It's just that simple.

    So a short term win, is a long term fail.

    Your antics over the last few years have not been a positive for the server.

    So continuing such antics is going to likely bring us to this situation again and again.

    c.) As Diplomat of Lost I talk to a LOT of people on server. My focus is to build friendships and alliances.

    In all things that I do, I keep my Leader (June) informed, and do what I can to work closely with our leadership, and when asked, the leadership of other alliances.

    Again, I believe that when people come together, they can often work out their differences.

    d.) Drawing lines in the sand, or dictating unilateral terms is not "coming together".

    Whether you like it or not, Lost (and WLS) are winning this "war".

    If anyone is in a position to make demands, they are.

    Yet, June has not made demands, and instead has offered an olive branch to allow a way forward for peace. These are not difficult terms. They are actually quite mild.

    If you would like a new posting of what they are, we'd be happy to, and to talk with you about them.

    e.) So if you want to talk this out, as Lost's diplomat, I'm all ears.

    If you don't, that's your choice.

    And in the meantime, though we didn't start this phrase (Starman did), it's become the new catchphrase of this war:

    War continues.

    Edited 2 times, last by skyhawk377 ().

  • I actually understand GF point of view,

    it makes sense to me,

    attack the alliance if youre getting raided, -- Shame I dont play piracy.

    Then spirals into a greater war involving multiple alliances.

    I'm only fighting against MAFIA because VNS decided to target me, the Greater grudge saying,

    It's very apparent that there are many grudges on US Alpha and the enemy of my enemy is my friend NAP connections.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen SHEWOLF pretending to be a fighter in MAFIA with 400K plus GS against 200K GS got VMODE!!!!!!!!!:P

    What a surprise that so called fighter he eats his own word to be chicken run!!!!!!!:P

    44k plus Navy against only 14k Navy LOL

    SEEWOLF[MAFIA]'s miracle 'Colossus' has been activated. (05.01.2024 19:54:34)

    This fight is 1 VS 1 cannot handle what a WEAK link indeed.:D


  • Code
    1. Arnachy, you better be quiet from now on. Who ran away with 14k ships today?
    2. You can only go for the small one, that's what your cabs show.
    3. Chicken keep running
  • Respect is not given. Respect is earned.

    Are you going to post any combat reports or you just have diarrhea of the mouth like CHICKENhawk does?

    No CR = No respect


    Viet Nam Sociality[VNS] - Alpha US Spokesman
    Bậc Thầy Thịt mèo Nướng

    BBQ CAT Master Chef

  • Quote from Starman

    Are you going to post any combat reports or you just have diarrhea of the mouth like CHICKENhawk does?

    No CR = No respect


    You are irrelevant, so I doubt anyone cares if you respect them or not.


    Turmoil's in the air

    Hold your breath be deadly calm

    Make a final prayer

    Don't forget what you have done

  • You are irrelevant, so I doubt anyone cares if you respect them or not.

    I wasn't talking to you here. Until you make progress towards Vend0N- taking responsibility for starting this mess AND you stepping away from WLS, wars continue...


    Viet Nam Sociality[VNS] - Alpha US Spokesman
    Bậc Thầy Thịt mèo Nướng

    BBQ CAT Master Chef

  • Respect is not given. Respect is earned.

    Are you going to post any combat reports or you just have diarrhea of the mouth like CHICKENhawk does?

    No CR = No respect


    And I'm STILL waiting for you to explain yourself about your niels comment.

    The fact is, you run your mouth, and when called out on it, disappear, or run to another thread.

    You continue to show yourself a waste of air.

    You calling me all the names you like, doesn't matter. Those are your words. And as we've seen, your words have no value.

    So, meh...

    You made your bed, and now, you're sleeping in it.

    If you ever get tired of war, you'll reach out, until then, shrugs.