Posts by skyhawk377

    I just wanted to say "Thank you" to badidol and the rest of the Ikariam team, for listening to the concerns of the community (regardless of which location opinions and ideas were shared).

    As they mentioned, I don't think there will, or even can be, a "perfect" solution.

    But in looking at the final info, one can tell they were listening.

    There's really no good place for me to say this, so I chose this popular thread.

    Thanks again.

    It's actually quite simple.

    Forum predates Discord. The community somewhat naturally gravitated towards Discord, as a result we also moved more and more towards Discord.

    The forum is technically just a relic that we keep alive for a few that for whatever reason refuse to use Discord.

    Main community focus, however, lies with Discord, so that's where we mainly post and react.

    Then the requirements to join the discussion there, should be the same as the forum.

    There's no reason to require a cell phone. that's merely an option in discord.

    Let's take a look at new setting #4. One I think that most everyone has agreed is a decent choice


    Setting 4

    • Production of Wood and Sulfur will be 50% higher than normal.
    • Production of Wine is 10% higher than normal.
    • Troops and ships are built 25% faster.
    • Land units are 25% cheaper to build.
    • Land units move 50% faster than normal.
    • Priest conversion rate increased by 40% (7 conversions per priest instead of the normal 5).


    I think this could be used as a template for option #3.


    (new) Setting 3

    • Production of Wood and Crystal will be 50% higher than normal.
    • Production of Wine is 10% higher than normal.
    • Buildings are constructed 25% faster than normal.
    • Tradeships move 50% faster than normal.
    • Scientists create 40% more research points.


    If the percentages need to be adjusted, down or up, so be it.

    I think people would like this as an option.

    And, by the by, swap crystal for marble, and I think people would like this for option #2 as well.

    Also, I'm hearing from people that they are - let's say "uncomfortable" with the .us merges starting on September 11.

    I understand that there's no way that you all are going to look at any date and see what events might have happened on that day, but, I think you probably understand people being uncomfortable about September 11 as a date.

    Like others who have posted, I think it's unfair in a browser game to require someone to own a cell phone to contribute to a discussion.

    But as we have this thread, I'll just add my comments here in the hope that they will be counted.

    First, I appreciate that both the 2-setting and 4-setting options have a pillager-friendly option.

    Second, I think settings 2 and 3 "feel" far weaker than several of the options we were previously offered.

    But I think having a research strong choice (#3) is interesting. Though I think it need some buffing up to bring it more on par with the other choices.

    But my biggest concern is that the bonus to build buildings has been removed from all options.

    I would prefer the old setting #1 for the 2-world setting #1 -


    Setting 1:

    Production of Wood and Marble will be 25% higher than normal. Buildings are built 25% faster than normal. Trade Ships are 25% faster than normal.


    building speed. full stop.

    nothing else comes close to that.

    this is a game of timers and time management.

    resources can be pillaged. we now have freighters to go along with tradeships. and a bonus to scientists is reliant on how man levels of academies you have. None of those comes close to the value of the speed a building is built. especially at higher levels.

    And for pillagers, military building speed is also important.

    If we swap crystal for wine in the first choice, these two aren't bad:


    Setting 1:

    Production of Wood, [Wine] Crystal, and Marble will be 25% higher than normal. Buildings are built 25% faster than normal. Trade Ships are 25% faster than normal. Scientists create 50% more research points. Troops and ships are built 25% slower. Troop units cost twice as much to produce.


    Setting 4:

    Production of Wine is 50% higher than normal. Trade Ships are 35% faster than normal. Scientists create 75% more research points. Troops and ships are built 50% faster. Land units are 25% cheaper to build.


    Though, taking from several options I've seen, if I could pick, I'd like this one:


    Setting A:

    Production of Wood, Marble, and Crystal will be 25% higher than normal. Buildings are built 25% faster than normal. Trade Ships are 50% faster than normal.


    yes, yes, and yes.

    Though I want to note that I appreciate that the powers-that-be came up with the initial ideas, and are now giving some thought to further developing those ideas, based upon community feedback.

    From what I understood merge could be postponed because players do not like bonuses? What is wrong with bonuses? Most playeres agreed that sever 1 and 4 are fine. Server 1 great for builders. Server 4 interesting for warriors. What is wrong with server 2? You have + + + + + +🤔Seems very fine and balanced for both builders and warriors.Maybe to add 10% on crystal and sulphar too. Server three seems the worst but still it has all +.

    Settings seems fine to me. Maybe because my server is old and have 0 bonuses but I would not really make big changes to this. Lets not lose balance with 50% on everything as someone suggested. Who wants fast game he can go to Ares.;)

    change wine to crystal on choice #1, and I think options 1 and 4 balance each other nicely. (even you seem to agree that 2 and 3 probably need work.)

    (As I mentioned in a different thread), as things stand right now, I'd like those 2 options for .us as well.


    Setting 1:

    Production of Wood, [Wine] Crystal, and Marble will be 25% higher than normal. Buildings are built 25% faster than normal. Trade Ships are 25% faster than normal. Scientists create 50% more research points. Troops and ships are built 25% slower. Troop units cost twice as much to produce.


    Setting 4:

    Production of Wine is 50% higher than normal. Trade Ships are 35% faster than normal. Scientists create 75% more research points. Troops and ships are built 50% faster. Land units are 25% cheaper to build.


    To me, I think the resource production bonuses for troop production bonus servers, is over-estimated, because a pillager can gain more than the bonus merely just by pillaging.

    I think builders will want building production, and resource production. and pillagers would want troop benefits.

    And everyone wanting research and ship speed.

    For building, I think Zephyros is interesting - increases for: 25% ship speed and buillding; 40% wood and marble speed

    or the variant on Herakles - increases for: 25% ship speed, marble and wood; 15% building and 40% crystal.

    but if I'm looking at all the options, I think I'd like a 25% option:

    25% ship speed, 25% building times, and 25% wood, marble, and crystal.

    From a builder perspective, I think that would be great.

    If they need to add negatives for military building to make that happen, I could accept that, I guess, but then it looks an awful lot like .en option #1 with crystal swapped for wine:


    Setting 1:

    Production of Wood, [Wine] Crystal, and Marble will be 25% higher than normal. Buildings are built 25% faster than normal. Trade Ships are 25% faster than normal. Scientists create 50% more research points. Troops and ships are built 25% slower. Troop units cost twice as much to produce.


    And for pillagers, option #4 is just really nice. I thought about reducing wine, to give a sulphur bonus, but really, with the unit cost reduction, that's unnecessary


    Setting 4:

    Production of Wine is 50% higher than normal. Trade Ships are 35% faster than normal. Scientists create 75% more research points. Troops and ships are built 50% faster. Land units are 25% cheaper to build.


    Anyway, those are the two options that I think I'd like to see for .us.

    Everyone's mileage may vary, of course : )

    Honestly, I'm indifferent about the troops because the slower build up, etc., likely doesn't mean much in most scenarios. But I did want the 50% extra scientist points and the extra wine.

    If it was a brand new server, those additional penalties would be a lot more limiting.

    Setting B would give you both Wine and research : )

    Oh, you like the slower one.

    That's an interesting option.

    I just was thinking that some might not want negatives.

    But I'll agree it's an interesting option.

    So there's 3 very different choices : )

    I understand your point, and it's a good one. But I kinda agree that en.alpha is in a special category of its own.

    And as I noted above, non-english language servers were merged to it last time around. So it kinda has become an international server, just without the title...

    Now, that's an interesting idea - making en.alpha a global server. Especially since it kinda was treated like one in the last set of server merges.

    lol "I want it all" : )

    To be clear, I think everyone would agree that these are the best choices from all 6.

    For the most part, I don't disagree with the last comment. But I have a lot of players in my alliance who do.

    I think part of the issue is the pirate mini-game. So people make a lot of what they call "feeder" accounts just for that.

    I know you said there won't be any game changes for this, but if you want to address a MAJOR motivation for multi-accounting, you may want to look at the pirate game, and its motivations and rewards.

    You guys are talking like you all be alone on islands. You all are getting relocations. Orgnise with your alliance and you could have 17 towns on island. Which could be 3-4 or even 17 players with donations.

    Yea, maybe some islands will not be max level but still if all of you donated on old servers you should be able to make good islands without problems.;) If you did not donate erlier than it is your mistake not GFs... ;)

    That's what I was saying above.

    But the issue is TIME.