• good
    Let's see, I don't know what happened to my merchant ships and my ships disappeared 3 times, the first time it was almost at the beginning of the game, with 5 ships missing,
    The second time was when I already had my first 50 merchant ships, and lastly a few days ago I still lack 5 merchant ships by now I should have 100 ships and they are stolen. I want to know why this happened. I want explanations as it is possible that I get lost. merchant ships since they are expensive and it cost me a lot to get the ships so that now they are stolen I want the return

  • Maybe are the bonus ships received for 7 days login.

    Can you confirm that?

    Maybe you forgot to login in one day and you lost them and need to wait for 7 days to get them.

  • bueno pues ya llevo 2 meses sin ver los barcos y no tenia ninguna bonificación de 7dias esta cuenta ya inicie en febrero de este año 2022 ósea ya tenia 90 barcos y desaparecieron 5 barcos ahora de que regresan en 7dias a ver esperare ya que desapareciendo mis barcos pero como digo ya son meses que juego y desapareciendo tengo las cuentas de mis barcos y deberia tener 100 barcos mercantes y solo tengo 85 barcos ya tenia 90 barcos y 5 desaparecieron como las otras 2 veces