badidol Community Manager
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I am from pangaia 3 server. We noticed vpn cheater when we were battling with our allies against a bully.
Players name is Kertoip and he uses multiaccounts to sell himself troops against us cheapest possible prices.
His generals went from 17k to 50k under 2 hours and nobody was selling troops on black market.
What can you guys do against VPN cheaters who play with multi accs to benefit themselves?
If there is nothing you can do, please tell me, me and bunch of other people will quit this game for good.
also his gold vent to 2mil under 1mil and again over 5mil under 2 hours and nobody was selling goods in that time. He is clearly using multi accounts to benefit himself.
Fair player - Tumppu
hello what about the link for the support system in the rules section ?
is not working
Should you think you were punished unjustly according to one of the following rules please contact the game support at
Hello, I am having trouble navigating the forum to request help for my account. I had a 10-years old account on NY server and put my account into vacation mode for some 8 weeks to deal with real life issues. When I tried to log in again, it states that I am banned for "Account transfer". I have done no such thing... was not even logged into it for weeks. Was my account hacked and banned for some action by another? Please help or direct me to the correct place submit a help ticket.
y mas con todo el dinero que habeis recaudado de pangaia, dais asco todo GAMEFORGE
but you don't see the need because you are lining up with black money, or because you are blind and don't see how broken the game is? multis theme, vpns, predatory bots, the black market screwing up all the tactics of the game, eternal battles because of you, promoting the purchase and sale of accounts, I don't know what else to tell you, what do you think?
Hola, me habéis bloqueado la cuenta, por transferencia. No la he transferido a nadie, sigue con mismo nombre, correo y claves, y dispone de un alto saldo de ambrosía. Dado que el uso de ambrosía es un contrato con gameforce, debéis asumir las consecuencias de todo contrato. No habiéndose alterado por mi parte las condiciones de uso, la alteración por la otra parte implica el incumplimiento del contrato con las consecuencias legales inherentes, las que me reservo.
Cualquier notificación deberá ser realizada a la cuenta vinculada al juego, la que designo para notificaciones.
Un saludo
Hello, the accounts that fell on the badidol cemetery server cannot be moved, can I get support about this?
Answered by: threea Answer Rating 2022-07-12 10:09:10
we have already explained to you in detail, it is not a mistake or a bug, this is how the system works.
There is nothing else to add from our side, this ticket can be closed.
Yours sincerely,
Community Manager
Current Support Request information
Request ID (Ticket-ID): 18903619 Send a reply
Subject: Miscellaneous
Server: War Server 03
Username: GHETTO
Attachments: 0
Status: Your ticket is still in progress.
Handled by:: This Request is reviewed by: Community Manager. Closure
Your answer: 2022-07-14 09:11:35
you are obliged by the rules of the game to promote my report to a higher one!
Hi, with threea you've already reached the Community Manager responsible for your community.
The Community Manager is already the end of the line.
While I understand, that sometimes explanations we get are not the ones we wanted to get, the fact of the matter remains, that things sometimes simply are the way they are and repeatedly poking for something, hoping, the next answer may be a different one, simply doesn't change the outcome. This is one of those cases.
You may try a few more pokes, but I am afraid, our answer will remain the same.
Furthermore: my wall is not the support system. Please stick to the support system.
Greetings, my account has been banned for a year. Nickname Youtube, the reason given is insult. Can I know what the problem is and I think the fine is big and how can that fine be reduced? I play on the server My..