Posts by embio


    Is the're any progression on this topic? I would like an update

    If it is the woodproblem than they should look to it, I think the're are many more buggs that are happening with woodsupply.

    With trading the're is also a weird bugg that has something to do with the amount of wood.

    Anyway, I would love that they work on a fix so we can all enjoy the game again

    and don't need to worry about basic stuff like building ships or troops.


    Recently I was watching on the Island and I didn't see my Alliance members on the Island. Normally they are indicated into a green city.

    One of my alliance members has the same problem. The alliance members are like all the rest In the same color in place of the green that I'm used to see.

    So Is this a bugg or is this because we both did recently join the alliance?




    I still have this bugg in one of my city's. I order 42 mortarships and when I look in the queu I only see 12. This are really pricy ships so pls fix this bug so we can all enjoy the game again.

    City Sefa, world Pi on Island 42:17 account Embio



    I don't know why they changed the reset timer from the day. It's kinda terrible for me since I start collecting rescources when the counter is already passed the point I can collect the goal amount. Despite that I collect more than the neccesary amount each day for all rescources. Also the're is some kinda bugg I think since sometimes I have reached my goal despite not being online. And some times I'm online and that timer starts only counting when I did open the menu for checking the points.

    For the rest It's all fine despite It is being a downgrade in overall rescources you can get each week. So in my opinion they should make the rewards little bit bigger to compensate. Or they should adjust the 7 days timer since you can actually earn more points than that you can click the rewards.

    I like that they have adjusted the system only thing they can change is maybe the research thing from a certain amount of points you can't collect it since you can't upgrade you're research anymore after you get all the lvl 25.

    And for the rest the're is something for all players, so in that regard they did a nice job to keep it interesting for all playstyles.


    How can you cheat when you just ask someone to attack you're city's with army's. You can do it in both ways, you attack me and I attack you. You agree with it or not. And after that you just send a dead mans army to the walls. and a defencing army in you're city. Depending on how good you make you're own rules you can profit a lot from it when you are dedicated to use this strategy.

    I'm not using it myself but I know players who do this. And each player needs to make his own mind on how he wants to play this game. You can gather resources on many ways. And the decision is up to the players itself to use things that are simply in the game.

    I like to trade with buy and sell on good prices to buy more rescources with the earned money I make bye trading. With this new freighter ships this is way more easy than before. I'm now upgrading my strategy with the rescources I got. When my next city is completed I can have another Trade sector to make more use out of this freighter ships. And also open up more available trading partners in other regions. For the moment I have 20 of the'se ships always non-stop on the way to distrubite rescources or buy and sell rescources. Gold income is no problem anymore since when you have a good day of trading you can easy make 4 million gold. Only will Increase bye the number of ships you can buy.

    So yeah, the goal is more city's and more freighter ships. And the rest is just simple scavenging rescources that are on the world.


    This is no bugg, I have experienced the same thing multiple times. It's kinda hard to explain how it works. It's a tender thing. Also you're damaged ships from the last round are in the front wave ( normally they stay in the sidelane ) and you're sidelanes are getting new ships from the reserve. New ships are taking less damage than when you have a mixed wave with damaged and new ships like a normal round.

    this is all calculated with damage and techical things, too complicated to explain.


    Small update from weird things happening with the'se ships when trading

    Player A is buying 1 000 000 goods on a nice price.

    I send 5 cargo ships for 250 000 goods, trading is possible

    After this ships left I wanna sell more since I changed my mind

    I wanna send 5 more for 250 000, the bug appears and trading is only possible with normal ships.

    Next day when my first 5 ships are still on the way I try again and trading still not possible

    I wait when the ships have arrived and they have delivered. Now the'se 5 first ships are on the way home

    I try again for selling goods. The trade is back working so I send a second fleet of 5 trading ships succesfull.

    Few days later, I wanna try again

    The bugg appears again and trading is not possible. Even when all my ships are in my own city free to do what they want.

    All trades are with the same player.

    second update

    I can't trade with all my traders, just a few that are working. and depends on which day. sometimes lucky

    Some days bad luck.



    I have 17 of them I have other priorities that also need the rescources like gouvernements and stuff. But yeah they are damn handy so building more when I have more rescources to build them faster. It all depends on when they solve the trading market buggs they have.

    The best thing is you don't need to worry anymore on when you are sending goods to you're city's you can just save the amount of rescources you need and just send them in one go to you're other city. For trading also very handy since you can buy or sell more in one go. Only disadvantage is that you not always get the good prices because someone is faster than you using normal trade ships.

    So gamechanging it is specially when you have all the new buildings and hole city's to build. So I expect to just keep building dockyards with the trade rescources I winn. Little slow but a good investment for the long term. The gold is no problem since you can earn it back when you have a couple of them and you start buying and selling on profit prices.


    I think I might have found the problem with the bugg. Or at least I have some information that might be usefull for testing.

    I did trade Saturday and Sunday with player A. Now It's monday and I can't trade with player A anymore

    I coudn't trade with player B last week. Now It's monday and I can trade like normal with player B

    So I think the problem is in the code for Sunday to Monday. When cargo's are travelling between players when the week is changing. Some kinda reset or something that is not taking the cargo's into calculations.

    At least that is what is happing he're with me.


    Is it possible that you need a Dockstation in the other city in order to send you're cargo-ships? I can trade with players only a couple that I can't buy or send goods on the market. So I guess it might be the building itself that is needed in the other city.

    Other thing can be something with multi-accounts and the system automatic blocks certain trades because you bought or sold some goods from his other account and the timer is still running since you just have such a long traderoute from a couple of days.

    I did use retreat button like I normally do when I fight in my hometown.

    Maybe it's my bad and I was bugged before and they fixed something.

    Like I know they spread when you do this in alliance town. Only when I did it before in my own towns this was not the case.

    Anyway I guess the game has sometimes weird things. And is now working like It should be I guess.

    The're is also a small chance that the player is banned and than you also have this kinda bug sometimes.

    Otherwise you should give us more information since this

    Hello I think I found a bug in the fighting system

    I did attack another city from my City Joker. My city got occupied bye another fleet so I did send my fleet back home. Normally It should attack the enemy fleet since it is my own city. Like if you station you're fleet to alliance you automatic attack the enemy fleet. But my fleet did spread for a random reason. And did not attack the enemy fleet like it should normally do.

    If you attack from an alliance city and you fleet turns back and city's gets blocked I know the fleet will spread. But I my own city's I had never this problem. So I got bugged before or this is a bugg that is new. It's kinda annoying now because I need to wait for my fleet now. This did not happen before in all my carrier so I'm really confused now.

    Zeegevecht bij 544
    (02.04.2023 14:09:35)
    pokermaximus[DND] uit 455
    K-r-y-z-i-u-s[_LT_] uit 455
    Ramschip.............................264(-36) - Ramschip............................1140(-36)
    Mortier schip..........................84(-0) - Mortier schip.........................737(-0)
    Stoomram.............................139(-11) - Stoomram..............................19(-31)
    Rakettenschip..........................72(-8) - Rakettenschip..........................46(-8)
    Schoepenradsnelheidsschip..............60(-0) - Schoepenradsnelheidsschip.............390(-0)
    Ballonnendrager........................46(-4) - Ballonnendrager.......................196(-4)
    Tender.................................30(-0) - Tender.................................60(-0)
    Vuurschip..............................2(-43) - .............................................
    Generaals.............................-1046.6 - Generaals...............................-1260
    Aanvalspunten............................3150 - Verdedigingspunten.....................2616.5
    Schade..................................52330 - Schade..................................63000
    Schadeverdeling...........................45% - Schadeverdeling...........................55%
    Winnaars: pokermaximus[DND]
    Verliezers: K-r-y-z-i-u-s[_LT_]
    697 eenheden van pokermaximus[DND] blokkeren de toegang tot de haven 544

    Zeegevecht bij Akmuo 2
    (02.04.2023 18:09:00)
    pokermaximus[DND] uit High Card, Be Promblemu
    CUNAMIS67[_LT_] uit Akmuo 2
    Ramschip.............................210(-90) - Ramschip..............................0(-108)
    Mortier schip..........................84(-0) - Mortier schip.........................24(-60)
    Stoomram.............................156(-44) - Stoomram...............................0(-98)
    Rakettenschip.........................54(-26) - Rakettenschip..........................6(-28)
    Schoepenradsnelheidsschip..............60(-0) - Schoepenradsnelheidsschip.............151(-0)
    Ballonnendrager.......................46(-14) - Ballonnendrager.......................10(-16)
    Tender.................................30(-0) - Tender.................................15(-0)
    Vuurschip..............................0(-86) - .............................................
    Generaals.............................-3159.2 - Generaals...............................-5468
    Aanvalspunten...........................13670 - Verdedigingspunten.......................7898
    Schade.................................157960 - Schade.................................273400
    Schadeverdeling...........................36% - Schadeverdeling...........................64%

    Winnaars: pokermaximus[DND]
    Verliezers: CUNAMIS67[_LT_]
    640 eenheden van pokermaximus[DND] blokkeren de toegang tot de haven Akmuo 2

    Zeegevecht bij VynoMiestasArej
    (02.04.2023 20:43:19)
    pokermaximus[DND] uit Dailioji Kalytė
    algima[_LT_] uit VynoMiestasArej
    Ramschip.............................282(-18) - Ramschip.............................108(-92)
    ............................................. - Onderzeeër..............................0(-1)
    Vuurschip..............................43(-2) - .............................................
    Mortier schip..........................84(-0) - .............................................
    Stoomram..............................140(-0) - .............................................
    Rakettenschip..........................80(-0) - .............................................
    Schoepenradsnelheidsschip..............60(-0) - .............................................
    Ballonnendrager........................50(-0) - .............................................
    Tender.................................30(-0) - .............................................
    Generaals..............................-102.4 - Generaals..............................-480.2
    Aanvalspunten..........................1200.5 - Verdedigingspunten........................256
    Schade...................................5120 - Schade..................................24010
    Schadeverdeling...........................17% - Schadeverdeling...........................83%
    Het wonder Hephaistos smederij' van algima[_LT_] is actief. (02.04.2023 20:43:19)
    Het wonder Hephaistos smederij' van pokermaximus[DND] is actief. (02.04.2023 20:43:19)
    Het wonder Kolos' van algima[_LT_] is actief. (02.04.2023 20:43:28)

    We are back with some new battles. Many more to come. We are in war with LT on world PI

    We are 25 players against 285 so let's smash this knowing that we are hard outnumbered.

    Sea battle near Vynelis2
    (31.03.2023 22:35:29)
    Costa Wayne[BANE] from DND Dorp2, Cleo[DND] from -DND-Ankara, Vynelis2, Proost, Beruska[DND] from Wijntje, Vynelis2, Hep, HepS
    badnews[_LT_] from Vynelis2
    Ram Ship............................161(-180) - Ram Ship...........................1141(-414)
    Mortar Ship............................42(-0) - Mortar Ship...........................146(-0)
    Steam Ram............................170(-41) - Steam Ram...........................612(-381)
    Rocket Ship...........................22(-92) - Rocket Ship.........................161(-132)
    Paddle Speedboat.......................30(-0) - Paddle Speedboat......................396(-0)
    Balloon Carrier........................26(-6) - Balloon Carrier.......................15(-46)
    Tender.................................96(-0) - Tender.................................60(-0)
    Fire Ship.............................9(-456) - .............................................
    Generals..............................-7455.2 - Generals...............................-16198
    Offensive points........................40495 - Defence points..........................18638
    Damage Received........................372760 - Damage Received........................809900
    Damage Percent............................31% - Damage Percent............................69%
    Winners: badnews[_LT_]
    Losers: Beruska[DND], Costa Wayne[BANE], Cleo[DND]

    Sea battle near Telšiai4
    (31.03.2023 22:44:19)
    War-Dog[DND] from LokoDeEnxofre I
    vaidulis[_LT_] from Telšiai4
    Ram-Ship.............................208(-42) - Ram-Ship.............................42(-179)
    Fire Ship..............................9(-27) - Fire Ship...............................0(-5)
    Mortar Ship............................42(-0) - Mortar Ship............................95(-0)
    Steam Ram............................137(-13) - Steam Ram..............................0(-40)
    Rocket Ship...........................88(-12) - Rocket Ship...........................35(-24)
    Paddle Speedboat.......................60(-0) - Paddle Speedboat......................240(-0)
    Balloon Carrier........................50(-0) - Balloon Carrier........................9(-12)
    ............................................. - Tender..................................1(-0)
    Military..............................-1025.4 - Military................................-2894
    Offensive points.........................7235 - Defence points.........................2563.5
    Damage Received.........................51270 - Damage Received........................144700
    Damage Percent............................26% - Damage Percent............................74%

    Winners: vaidulis[_LT_]
    Losers: War-Dog[DND]

    Sea battle near Telšiai4
    (31.03.2023 23:46:28)
    War-Dog[DND] from Isle Of Sky - v
    vaidulis[_LT_] from Telšiai4
    Ram-Ship..............................98(-12) - Ram-Ship...............................0(-42)
    Mortar Ship............................42(-0) - Mortar Ship...........................11(-84)
    Steam Ram.............................89(-11) - Steam Ram..............................0(-50)
    Rocket Ship............................84(-6) - Rocket Ship............................0(-35)
    Paddle Speedboat.......................60(-0) - Paddle Speedboat.....................219(-21)
    Balloon Carrier........................40(-0) - Balloon Carrier.........................0(-9)
    ............................................. - Tender..................................1(-0)
    Fire Ship..............................9(-27) - .............................................
    Diving Boat............................16(-0) - .............................................
    Military...............................-659.4 - Military................................-4658
    Offensive points........................11645 - Defence points.........................1648.5
    Damage Received.........................32970 - Damage Received........................232900
    Damage Percent............................12% - Damage Percent............................88%
    Winners: War-Dog[DND]
    Losers: vaidulis[_LT_]

    I really like this new cargoship specially since you can use it for trading. Many people are asking why they should buy or not buy them. That all depends on strategy's. For the future this will have some Interesting oppurtinity's. Depending on place and traders you can replace some city's further away from eachother. What makes longer distances to transport yes, but also makes more chances to trade with higher profits. I have also a overproduction in sulpher so now I can just sell more without even worrying about my daily shiproutines. I can also just save enough goods and just transport it without needing to wait for days because limited rescources on normal trading ships.

    So for me this is really good since trading goods is essential for paying my army's. Since I'm one of the rare people that is not closing their mines for gold in times of war. With this new ships I can trade and grow together and fighting without delays.

    One of my alliance members had the same issue. making ships and only a couple came out of the harbor. He had the same problem multiple times. Also this is since last week. We are building a lot of army on the moment and so far he was the only one. Lucky for us because building ships and troops is essential to fight a war specially when you are outnumbered 25 against a mass alliance of 285

    I hope we can have some updates on the progress of this problem so we all can sleep well when this problem is solved.

    Funny to read all the'se reactions

    For the main topic, just use you're calculator or find out because the 20 city mark is a multi year progress that will be very slow. Only production and building time will be already a lifetime of resources.

    Second part is over the place of you're city Islands. The're is no straight answer, only thing I know is that I have 12 city's

    4 Sulphur

    3 Marble

    2 Cristal

    3 wine

    Why so much sulphur, because I'm a warrior that is always prepared to go for war. Second Sulphur is free to sell for my economic to pay for my army's. For my wine 3 is for the moment more than enough for all my city's specially since the update. Before the update It was just enough to provide what I needed. So future is key and more winecity's might be needed for long term. For short term not necessarry.

    I can still think about what I want for the future, Plenty of time before I decide because preparing for 1,2,3 more city's will already take me more than a year or so I think. Depends on how many wars I need to fight and stuff like that.

    For the ambro fountain, just daily log in or even 4 times a week gives you already profit so long you are consistent you make profit. You just need to get used to click every day on a button. If you are not dedicated or you take a long brake don't start it. If you are a real veteran player you will only get benefits from it. Only worry is to go break even, after that It's free money. Same story is for the theater movies, If you don't forget them you get free resources you only need to click on it.

    So the're is no straight answer because every player is unique and has other goals to achieve in the game. I wish you all good luck and hope you did learn something bye reading this.


    This building already exicst only It is split in different buildings. the'se buildings increase the production capacity with 2% for each lvl you upgrade it. Not neccesary upgrade people that can work in the mines but just raw production capacity.

    I have the'se buildings in each of my city's.


    My mine with lvl 39 I can have 1373 workers.

    My production with lvl 34 building to increase production gets me 68% increased production

    total 2306 goods I get in place of 1373

    This is the same kinda effect that you are suggesting in you're new building. I like that you think but the purpose of the building already excist in the game.