Posts by MrMate

    Here you have a script, if you want to get rid of the kk's.

    Note: You need the tampermonkey extension. Then create new Script and copy paste the content from the attachment here (getRidOfTheKKs_forum_1.0.txt).

    The view of the warehouse/dump are not changed yet.

    Feedbacks are welcome :)

    And as always, Disclaimer: Use at your own risk!


    an idea comes to mind, but it may fit into one or more options:

    Core idea: Purchase Ambrosia for Gold, exchange rate: 1:1,000,000 and a max. of 5 Ambrosia per day.

    Possible options:

    - Daily-Task: As a reward, every 7 day, you can purchase for 500 Favour (need to still pay the additional 5 milion gold) to redeem 5 ambrosia

    or: The cost of the ambrosia depends of the size of the capital city:

    • Level 1-5: 500 Gold + 500 Favour = 5 Ambrosia
    • Level 6-10: 5,000 Gold + 500 Favour = 5 Ambrosia
    • Level 11-15: 50,000 Gold + 500 Favour = 5 Ambrosia
    • Level 16-21: 500,000 Gold + 500 Favour = 5 Ambrosia
    • Level 22-26: 5,000,000 Gold + 500 Favour = 5 Ambrosia
    • Above level 26 it stays like "Level 22-26"

    - Daily-bonus: After reaching the 7th day, there could be 2 possible ways of getting Ambrosia:

    1. By chance (33,33% propabily) without spending 5,000,000 gold
    2. Chance to buy here Ambrosia (see Core-idea)

    - Inventory: Like "Sea Chart Pieces Found" you can collect 6 pieces of the Ambrosia pieces, but you will receive the Item: "Curse of redemption: Ambrosia" in your inventory. Now you can exchange that to a dealer called "Ominous dealer", the "Curse of redemption: Ambrosia" for 5,000,000 gold.


    die Handelsroute für Ambrosia kostet 15 Ambrosia je 7 Tage und eine Woche Verlängern kostet wieder 15 Ambrosia... (Gibt eine Checkbox für Automatische Verlängerung falls man möchte).

    Leider keine permanente Geschichte.

    Problem found: They added a "building description" on every Popup-Content by default.

    Instead to hide that element, they leave it empty and it creates a specific hight, that the "Daily Reward" image moves down...

    With the empty "building description":

    If you hide that element properly:

    Joa, kann ich so bestätigen, bin auch auf Minotaurus unterwegs.

    Beispiel, obwohl Wein ausgeschenkt wird:

    Interessant: Wenn man die Taverne öffnet, aktualisiert sich auch die Anzeige bei "Ausgaben pro Stunde", allerdings nur solange man kein Seitenwechsel oder Reload der Seite macht.

    Sehr unüblich diese Formatierung, tippe auf einem abgerundeten Millionen-Wert, also 0m, statt z.B. 5.000

    Any update on the topic? It's been over a year since the bug was reported and it still exists.

    As long as the workaround is to have more wood then sulfur/wine/crystal, this bug (my opinion) does not have a high priority to be fixed soon...

    Strongly disagree. Playing on young servers with this bug is very annoying. Furthermore breaking a crucial functionality of the game is already a fine reason to fix it asap. Saying "well, just have more resources than needed and You'll be fine" is really disrespectful for players :cursing:.

    If I were part of the mods, I would often remind those issues to the responsible persons, sadly I am not.

    Having a workaround on the other hand is better then nothing (but the devs should not rest on it :P)

    Ich frage mich gerade, in wo und in welcher FAQ das genau steht.

    Der Merge ist nicht wie Kleidung anprobieren, man schaut was einem Gefällt und nimmt sich dann ein Teil ;), auch wenn dann die FAQ was anderes meint, dies war noch nie auf Ikariam der Fall...

    Nach dem Merge kann man sich ja auf einem anderen Server transferieren, allerdings greift dann die Regel mit "top 50" und wenn man die erreichen würde, ist dann kein Transfer möglich... In wie fern hier eine Ausnahme besteht, müsste man nen Mod oder beim Support erfragen

    Hi, after the merge, experiments is not showing additional points due to optician level in the town.

    I have lv 50 optician in the town and used to get 50% more RPs for every experiment, now it seems the optician building has no effect at all.


    Did you check, if you not have optician building in that one specific city?


    Aktuell läuft ein Merge, allerdings Ländergleich. Wenn du auf den neueren Server aus einem anderen Land übertragen willst, musst du warten, bis die Registrierung wieder möglich ist.

    Achja: Auf den alten Servern ist ein Übertrag auch nicht mehr möglich. Also warten...

    Hello all.
    Upgrading mine levels are faster for 18 days, since day No1.
    Our credited donations, are valid for how long?
    Thanks in advance.

    When you merged directly at day 1, then there're 32 days in total OR as long as the "Festival of Worlds Bonuses" goes of course depends on, when you merged.

    The validity is infinited for this one:


    wo und wie kann ich den neuen Server auswählen?

    Beim Anmelden solltest folgendes bekommen:

    Klickst auf "Servermerge"

    ... oder ...

    klickst oben rechts auf "wähle deinen neuen Server" aus

    Dann erscheint folgendes:

    Die Reihenfolge von oben nach unten entsprechen Server 1 bis 4.

    Nochmal zur Erinnerung: Jeder Server hat unterschiedliche Bonis/Malis (ausgenommen Server1) welche Server was gibt, kann hier nachgelesen werden:

    Merges Ikariam 2024

    The problem is a not fixed frontent bug during the sell...

    To fix that, you can use this tampermonkey snipped (disclaimer: use with own risk):

    It's really sad, that this bug has not been discovered from the GameForge devs, yet...

    Do you have the same amount of wine like wood?

    If a cook costs 25 Wood and 75 Wine, you must have 75 Wood too due to a wierd bug currently...

    Or: Total count of sulfur/wine/crystal must be the same as wood. Otherwise you will train less troops/fleets then what you did input...