Posts by yyoruk
cankat seni engelliyorum, on iki sene sana sabır göstermek bence büyük başarıydı.
dede bu cankata bir şey anlatamazsın, on iki senedir ben buna bir şey anlatamadım. bunla ne zaman konuşsam pannaya ticket açmış gibi hissediyorum. özür dilediği adam da sana sataşan eleman.
abi güzel raporlar, sunucuyu erken fokurdatıyorsunuz ayıp oluyor
yazık sana başka bir şey demiyorum.
Chuck "Bee" Bashlick olum sen ne tür biz eziksin? adamlar BiLGeMeN 'e ırkçılık yapıyor, üstüne hiçbir şey olmamış gibi oyun yöneticileri olayı görmezden geliyorlar, dünden beri dedenin hakkını arıyoruz, hakareti eden elemanı banlatmaya çalışıyoruz, bunun için yöneticilerle tartışıp banlanmayı göze alıyoruz, sen orada adamlarla birlik olup adımıza özür diliyorsun? sen kimsin de benim kişisel bilgilerimi bu adama veriyorsun? ne yaptık da adamlara bizim adımıza özür diliyorsun? sen kimsin? sen ne tür bir karaktersin ya? diyelim türk değilsin bu topraklardan yedin ekmeğin de mi hatırı yok? ezik herif.
For all of you who say: "it doesn't matter what nationality he is, why did you bring it up?" Maybe it does not matter what nationality somebody is on your servers, where one nation is the clear majority, but on multinational servers there is quite a strong unspoken agreement, that you do not attack people of your nationality. especially since no nation has a clear majority of players and you need to stick together (each nationality represents 15% - 25%). so bulgarians don't attack bulgarians, slovenians don't attack slovenians, serbs don't attack serbs, turks don't attack turks and slovaks don't attack slovaks.
And refering to people based on their nationality is in such scenarios common, and even the norm. it is a simple way to give that primal us vs them mentality.
For all of you wandering it is not open season with all nations in constant war with one another. People still cooperate with each other, trade, sign agreements...
But there is a growing animosity towards turkish community, why? Because of the actions of 1 player. Should 1 person actions really have a negative perception on whole nation - NO. But the fact is that in the server this is the opinion of many players
I never said that what he did was against the rules, i just said that this is very scummy behavior. As is using multies to leech faith, gang up on 1 account with 10 of your own... we can all agree that those things, although legal and in accordance of the rules are scummy and in the breech of normal decency.
And for all of you crying in the comments "RaCiSm" what exactly was racist about what i said? NOTHING! NOTHING at all!
Just because i called a turkish player a turk? Really? that is considered racist? give me a break! If he was serbian i would call him a serb, bulgarian i would call a bulgar, slovakian a slovak and so on. but the fact is that he is turkish so i called him a turk.
No, no, in your first posts you said "Turks are the scum of the world". Badidol deleted the phrase "Turks". Now you can't say I didn't make any racist statements.
The reaction was given for that reason.
wuT!!!! badidol tried to exonerate him?
i hope someone from gf will intervene in this situation and give the necessary warnings to badidol and lagu who normalise this racism. also lagu threatened to ban me for speaking out against this situation.
I agree that you can say something from his behavior, but maybe it is an idea to stop crying? It starts to go towards childish behavior. I realize while writing this that you could be a child (Some kids also play the game).
Back on topic; How does popularity fare on the different servers, which is most populair overall and which least? In EN the server 2 (with marble and wood bonus) is by far the most populair. The server 1 without any bonusses is the least populair. Is this what we see also in other countries?
can't you speak without insulting? it's a great favour to say things to me here that you can't say to my face.
i hope someone from gf will intervene in this situation and give the necessary warnings to badidol and lagu who normalise this racism. also lagu threatened to ban me for speaking out against this situation.
no sorog get treated and i still didnt see any thanks message to badidol and lagu.
First of all there are some misconceptions i would like to address:
1. I never compared all turks to any kind of animal. so all your overreacting and crying racism are just hypersensitive and stirring up needless drama.
2. I only called the behavior of setting up multi accounts to block up island spots, with sole purpose to delete town and move your raiding colony as scummy and "cockroach like" - which it is. it might be OK according to the letter of the law, but we can all agree that it is scummy behavior.
3. I play in BG server. a server which has been merged with many other communities - slovenian, serbian, slovak, bosnian and yes, even turkish.
4. The player that has been doing this is a turk. he has a turkish flag next to his account, speaks turkish and is in a turkish alliance. therefore i believe that the term i used (aka. the turk) is appropriate given the described situation.
5. Yes, i like history and often use those easter eggs in my posts (saracen, Ishmaelite...)
6. My personal opinions about the turks are not the matter of this discussion and i never mentioned them in this discussion (we could talk about them, but not here, as this is not the place). if you want to learn more ask the zaporozhian cossacks.
7. I strongly believe that the origin of my question belonged in this topic (server merge additional questions) as i was asking for advice, why people might be setting up brand new colonies on random islands across the map in the first 15 minutes of the merge. I later got the answer that it was because of the pirates.
8. For all of you who are wondering what will happen on my server regarding the annoying turkish player who is attacking everybody with pirates. The whole server is annoyed with him and his turkish alliance, so a few other biggest alliances on the server are already discussing a "war" against him and members of his alliance.
9. Here is another topic i think we should discuss: the turkish players can buy ambrosia at a lower cost than the rest of us, since their currency the lira in, lets say it kindly, an unstable hyperinflating third world currency. From what i understand turks can buy ambrosia at a fraction of the cost when compared to the cost in euros. (if i am wrong please correct me)
10. The person doing such scummy tactics is throwing a bad light on entire community, especially on multi national servers. so if you want to be angry at anyone for defaming turkey, you should be angry at him.
even crows will laugh at what you wrote. also dont forget that thanks to badidol and lagu to tolerance your racism
olayın daha iyi anlaşılması için aşağıdaki resimleri paylaşıyorum, badidol ve lagu'nun çok normal karşıladıkları hamamböcekleri aşağıda.
İnternetin genel kuralıdır. Türkler dışında herkes ırkçılığa uğrayabilir. Aynı muamele bir almana veya yahudiye çekilse badidol adamın üstüne atom bombası atardı. Ne demiş orwell "bütün hayvanlar eşittir fakat bazı hayvanlar daha eşittir".
yaşandı, dc sunucusunda almanın birisi bana, türkler soykırımcı demişti ben ise soykırımcı görmek istiyorsan holokost'a bak demiştim. olay yerine malum şahıslar bir anda ışınlanıp kafama atom bombası atmadıkları kalmıştı.
Ne tatava yaptınız kesin gitsin oyun oynatmayın Türk düşmanı olsalar kaç yazar
dayı üslubuna dikkat et, ben sen değilim her gelene boyun eğecek.
do you accept someone who is racist as normal and threaten someone who opposes it with a ban?
there is no freedom for türks here, when we share something is immediately edited, but insults against us are considered very normal? tell me lagu what bothered you in that picture ive been shared? what dont you edit this post Server Merge Additional Questions is it normal?
aynen öyle abi, p4'te bir arkadaşımıza yabancı oyuncu ana bacı sövdü, oyun içinden raporladık sonuç yok, ticket açtık, ticketi muhatap alan yok çünkü hakarete uğrayan oyuncu türk.
üstteki mesajların geçtiği kısımların linkleri
Server Merge Additional Questions
Server Merge Additional Questions
dediğim gibi olay çok sıkıntı, az önce türk oyuncuyu desteklemek amaçlı post attım ve hemen yönetim postu editlemiş ama türk oyuncuya hamamböceği diyen oyun ne ceza almış nede postu editlenmiş hatta çok normal karşılanmış.
konunun üzücü tarafı ise muhatabımız yok, panna ile daha önce yaşadığım bir olay hakkında konuştuğumda "ama öyle deme badidol kılırıl" gibi bir cevap almıştım.
arkadaşlar uluslararası sunucularda oynayan türk oyuncular demek istediğimi çok iyi anlayacaklardır, oyunda açık bir şekilde Türk düşmanlığı var ve bunu göstere göstere yapıyorlar, Türk topluluğu ise bu konu hakkında hiçbir şey yapmıyor, oyuna para yatırmaya devam edip, olanlardan habersiz bir şekilde oyununu oynuyor, evet bir çoğumuzun hayatı zor ve bu oyunu kafa dağıtmak için oynuyoruz ama buna eyvallah dersek yarın daha neler olur az-çok kestiriyorsunuzdur.
şimdi konuya gelelim,
üstteki resimde yabancı bir kullanıcı açık bir şekilde, türk oyuncuya hamamböceği diyor, bilmeyenler için 4chan adlı özgürlükçü platformda /pol kısmında siyasi tartışmalar döner, sitenin özgürlükçü olması nedeniye burada çok fazla neo-nazi buluyor ve türklere hamanböceği diyorlar, burada da bitmiyor, badidol ise durumu gayet normal karşılıyor.
yabancı arkadaş badidol'un tepkisinden cesaret almış olacak ki üstteki gibi hakaretlerine de devam ediyor.
arkadaşlar tepkinizi gösterin yoksa bunların ardı kesilmez, yılanın başı küçükken ezilmeli.
Move from there to avoid bad dreams in the scary night. I felt prejudiced and contemptuous towards Turkish players in your article. Every player can play anywhere.
That cockroach is there for the pirates... scum of the earth
as you can see, racism is allowed in this game i think that guy didnt get any warm in game
€dit by lagu:
picture censored and non english text removed -
actually i always getting makes jokes about that mistakes of like this, something happened to tr-s63 after ive wrote xd