Posts by Donoso

    Oh and they chose you as the speaker

    Be careful what you write about me because you don't know me a bit

    1. But keep playing June and Vend0N's puppy dog

    And you of all people know that many of Lost have an account in the KofG

    I came here by my self giving an idea for you to have a battle so big its on the top 1 on ikal0gs, because I would like to see what is your true potential.

    but it seems that things are not that simple as a big battle to end all the war xD

    and we have plenty IP sharing from both sides of the war, the numbers are comparable,

    you can send your multis if you must too, I don't care, more points to the alliance, that way they don't get burglarized by your enemies

    I can say the same about you taking care about you writing about me cuz you don't know me a bit. this is just a silly game, take it easy

    no, I am not lost, nor wls, and I offered help to your side one time long ago. now I don't give an F but wanted to see chaos

    but you are too paranoid dude, go check it with a professional,

    I came here friendly to read the news about the war and give an idea to end the server with a big bada boom

    BTW, there is a contradiction in your theory

    If Lost is too cowardly to agree to such a thing, they won't use a speaker to make the idea.

    you are so paranoid you cant think another thing than "everyone is against me"

    In fact, I remember offering you my help one day, but we couldn't reach an agreement about my price :p

    what spy reports, I don't talk no one via ikariam messages xD you just want to pull truths using lies,

    and we don't kick alleged multis because you send no proof about it, both sides ask for it yet no one has proofs about nothing

    its about souvergnty, who do you think you are demanding that kind of things?, we are a place for the refugees, if that player doesn't want to

    be a proxy to any side of your shenanigans, that's on them and multi accusations is just an hypothesis, but not the only possible reason.

    KofG is a place for everyone to be.

    remember what happened when we tried to kick piraten susi? problems, just problems, same with your enemies allys

    what you think, join all your forces, empty your pockets and send all to the grill

    like an hydra event, fight until emptyness

    I can be a referee and one of my towns the place, make a battle so big it can be number one on the page you know (ikaLosomething :p)

    the prize can be the hades miracle :)

    I espect you at Plaza de Armas [64.41], September 7 for example

    five days to prepare, show who is the strongest alliance

    Chicken Alliance nothing more. Come when everyone is awake, but you don't dare

    everytime I see the CRs I think of some funny day you would agree a day, a place and send all your members to one big and long battle, land and sea.

    that CR would be awesome to see, a battle 200k hoplites worth of material :), the winner takes all and the war ends

    but it seems to be a movement war, pillage here and there, clashing sometimes, run or relieve when the forge effect is off and so on.

    just my two cents as a foreign watcher XD

    ah yes, the multi-promoting part is a weak part of my argument, there is the possibility to do it nicely, especially in the current war at us alpha where things are 2 vs 2 alliances

    I don't know what to think about banning yet, the only precedent I have is the barbarian village multiplications

    that was a code exploit and was bannable

    IF this is considered an exploit through DEBATE, it should be bannable while the solution is being implemented.

    according to the precedent explained before

    i think it is an exploit, one that lies in the code loops to consider the battle mechanics and who wins, as explained before.

    but for me the solution is simple,

    just add an exemption in the code where doctors and cookers are not counted to the garrison limit.

    or make the wall appear in when this happens

    the first doesn't change the battlefield size, but the other does change its size to big one

    this part where the battlefield changes makes mortar dynamics different and one could benefit the defender, and the other doesn't

    not sure which one

    #1 was a builder server but that wasn't enough.. no we had to drive the point home by doubling troop build time and cost.

    the doubling troop build time and cost felt like trolling from devs

    "so you like this one better, huh?, well, let us nerf it a bit and enhance the other one for war, muahahaha, chaos is my purpose,muahaha I am so evil "

    I' reckon if I pillage enough people using this META, GameForge will hear enough complaints, to change this behaviour haha

    this meta is broken, and destroys the will to build a big wall to protect your belongings.

    why should I have a wall if my enemy can create/purchase a multi and send an insane amount of cookers and render my beautiful wall useless

    this meta makes the wall useless and promotes multi-accounting

    The only reasons I think developers and other people don't want to change it is either that it is laziness, or they use it as well

    Tell me, why should I build a big wall??? the only reason to do it is to make my enemy either use this meta or break it as intended if he can't afford another account to send 3000 doctors.

    once they knew this, people will organize and pillage a town in groups as ravenous dogs

    the solution is simple, don't count cookers and doctors into the garrison limit!!!!!

    it is an if/else code exploit, the garrison number will never go down, nor the first line will be filled with any unit. the battle is won because the defender has nothing to fill the first line. and will never have, the wall should appear as the garrison dies, but no one dies. it is a broken if else loop

    I was told in programming classes, "the user will always try to break your program", hence we have sick glitched Doom speedruns and SQL injections

    this is very serious

    now the offender can save troops fallen to the wall and mortar ammo with this roundabout

    just using a handy multi full of non combating units, lets say, doctors or cookers, mostly the one with cheapest upkeep or materials needed to make

    garrison limit should count only combating units

    more in ares server, where its common to see insane amounts of cookers just for the gold carriage

    almost every offender could have an outsource friend to make this trick and jump the wall almost effortlessly

    with this merge, i fear not producing enough wine to sustain my civilization due to the poor level of mills :/

    I barely have enough now, let alone with low lvl mills

    I suggest having more wine production in all servers to fulfill this issue somehow

    if not, the merge will be a madness of pillaging resources and multi-accounting to donate to the mills

    You could always try trade, Im probably going to ditch wine towns completely I only have 1 as it is already and hardly ever have issues because of pillaging inactives.

    i don't like trading :c, I think it will create a wine inflation in the market, GF will fill their pockets with premium trading :/

    everyone will need wine, not everyone will produce enough to sell, and I don't want to have more wine cities, I want more sulfurs

    I guess is the only solution thou :c, trading, maybe with the low quantities of citizens able to fill the mill we will have a lot of taking ones and making gold

    but again, I don't like trading, nor pillaging

    maybe option 2/2 is the best in short term if wine is an scarse commodity

    with the useless citizens i could pay an army and defend my precious wine

    if there is some cities with buffed mills, it must be wine

    with this merge, i fear not producing enough wine to sustain my civilization due to the poor level of mills :/

    I barely have enough now, let alone with low lvl mills

    I suggest having more wine production in all servers to fulfill this issue somehow

    if not, the merge will be a madness of pillaging resources and multi-accounting to donate to the mills