[WAR] -LT- declares war vs BEAST

  • Not Latvians, more like Last Templars :D

    Ahh sorry, I just had LT as abbreviation for Latvia in my head :D Maybe its because on my own worlds there are large only-latvian alliances :D However, I wish you success :)

    "Du glaubst zu schieben und du wirst geschoben." - Goethes Mephistopheles in "Faust"

    -> "You believe youre leading but you are being led." - Goethe in "Faust" <-

    "Verstecke deine Stärke und warte auf deine Zeit." - Deng Xiaoping

    -> "Hide your strength and wait for your time." - Deng Xiaoping <-

    katermitfluegel6cf7p.png katerorange4ackl.png katermitfluegel6cf7p.png


  • I will be fair and post some CR what they made some positive damage becouse they are still ignoring.I playing this game about 15 years in intervals and never see that Leader dismiss 8.5k generals in middle or war...Also they was disrespectful and unhonorable when they start attacking another alliance in middle or another war...This game probably change,lot of new kids without any codex or honor.Few words about war: Its waa thinks it will be fun but no,it was very boring like i fight against barbarians.We clean most players in circle of middle area and other just dismis trops or running away on edge of map.I was think they are strong oponents and rivals to us but they are just joke alliance...The war ening in few minutes so after 00:00 server time we will calc damage

  • This game probably change,lot of new kids without any codex or honor.

    Yes, thats basically what happened, plus all the mine donators you can buy now whatever. Game mechanics havent changed much and thats a plus.

    Either way have fun in the war, may the more honorful win.

  • How is the war going? :)

    "Du glaubst zu schieben und du wirst geschoben." - Goethes Mephistopheles in "Faust"

    -> "You believe youre leading but you are being led." - Goethe in "Faust" <-

    "Verstecke deine Stärke und warte auf deine Zeit." - Deng Xiaoping

    -> "Hide your strength and wait for your time." - Deng Xiaoping <-

    katermitfluegel6cf7p.png katerorange4ackl.png katermitfluegel6cf7p.png
