The time has come to introduce very first war on eurydike server. War with BEAST.
Just a quick intro which lead to all this. In recent week, we (LT) had some small issues with PHX alliance which escalated with some fights. Nothing official, it was mostly for fun to make this server more excited.
Today, BEAST alliance invaded our islands and attacked all our members with no explanation. Even tho we warned them to stop or we will have to declare official war, they ignored it so here we are.
Lets count our corpses and shipwrecks to see who is smarter, more active or luckier
Offical war will start on TUESDAY at 00:00 and will last for 7 days when we will send gauntlet request. In case ingame gauntlet war won't be accepted we will count generals here on thread.
At the end of day, hope we will all enjoy it on both sides.