(reported) Bug in start time in Daily tasks or in resource gathering calculation.

  • The start time in Daily Tasks appears to be incorrect. Take a look at the picture below and note that I mine over 14k marble per hour

    Given that the time supposedly reset nearly 5 hours ago, I have mined over 70k marble, not 12k. Either the start time is incorrect or there's an error in the calculation used - the amounts collected for both wine and marble are consistent with a start time of after 12:00 UK time (13:00 server time).

  • maybe this ???


    Community Manager

    Dear players,

    as there has been some confusion about the reset of the daily tasks, specifically about when and what exactly this "server time" we've been speaking of is, it's about time to be more specific here. Pun intended :)

    First of all, as this was a source of most of the confusion: the clock in the top of the screen in the menu always shows CET/CEST time. This is not your local time. We will in a future update make that more visible, so it's clearer.

    Secondly, and we apologise for that, using the term "server time" was confusing for some. "Server time" refers to the timezone the actual physical machine is in, which is always CET/CEST. The reset for the daily tasks however use local time: so 08:00 AM "your time". For countries with more than one time zone, this may only be a somewhat close approximation.

    Important information: the language you chose to display the game in does NOT influence this. Relevant is only the so called .tld you play on.

    The time zones applied for the specific communities are:

    .tw UTC +8
    .ae UTC +4
    .cz, .de, .dk, .fr, .hu, .it, .no, .pl, .rs, .se, .si, .sk, .yu UTC +1
    .bg, .fi, .gr, .il, .lt, .lv, .ro, .ru, .tr UTC +2
    .en, .es, .nl UTC
    .pt UTC -1
    .br UTC -3
    .ar UTC -4
    .us UTC -5
    .mx UTC -7

    The global servers (Pangaia) are on .en.

    So, the reset of the daily tasks happens daily when it is 08:00 AM in the timezones mentioned above and NOT when the ingame clock in the menu shows 08:00 AM. In case, you're not clear about what UTC is, here is a good explanation and overview of timezones: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/

    We hope, this clears up all the confusion now.

    Your Ikariam Team


  • Except I'm logged in 24/7. That is, I have browser tabs open all day every day and I don't close them.

    If you do nothing on computer you are not online after some time. It probably started from moment you refreshed page.

  • Except I'm logged in 24/7. That is, I have browser tabs open all day every day and I don't close them.

    after a certain idle time the system will put you as if you are offline, your friends can confirm that you are not 24/7 online in their friend list. Me myself do also the same, i almost never logout or close any tab unless the system here must have a update, but i can see that my accounts go offline.

  • It definitely doesn't start to count when we log in, because when I do I already have lots of resources counted in the task, sometimes it is even completed.

  • have seen that problem and a new one.. first thing I did when I got on and yes I keep a tab up 24/7

    was to send out a "buy" order at the trading post. and then upgrade a building.. I was going to upgrade a building anyway so it had no barring on whether or not I got the daily task..

    but after I hit upgrade on teh building.. ok now it's time to go see what stupid player tricks they have for me to day.

    sure enough.. commission work.. it gave me ZERO credit for the dump I just set to build.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • Please contact support to get a check of this case.


    Sig und Ava made by Butterfly I

  • Thanks but Isn't this the bug reporting section? and im not the only one to see these types of bugs.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • Thanks but Isn't this the bug reporting section? and im not the only one to see these types of bugs.

    Sure - but due to the fact that you censored the screen so heavy i thought you won't like to publish more information.

    We need your server and your playerID


    Sig und Ava made by Butterfly I

  • This is not player specific if you hadn't noticed similar bugs have been mentioned my multiple people.

    I only censored town information, resources, cords, Im not interested in reporting it thru other channels..

    This update is hog garbage and I really don't care if they fix it or not.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • This is not player specific if you hadn't noticed similar bugs have been mentioned my multiple people.

    I only censored town information, resources, cords, Im not interested in reporting it thru other channels..

    This update is hog garbage and I really don't care if they fix it or not.

    Thanks for your help. Without checking the case depper we are unable to provide help.

    We know that things are broken sometimes. Unsure if your case is a known one. But we will never be able to get this information.


    Sig und Ava made by Butterfly I

  • LoL. What just happened.

    A member of the dev team asked for some info to check and fix a bug report and you denied it because you're angry with the daily task redesign?

    Please don't act that way. :( We are lucky to have some dev team members to look and care for what we report here, not all games/communities have such a direct communication with their dev team.

    In my opinion, if we want to keep that communication going, we should maintain it healthy and respectful, in both sides. Sure, we can disagree with their updates (and there are places and ways to express our opinions in a respectful manner). And yes, maybe sometimes team members aren't as polite as they could be and that makes us angry, but 1) I think this wasn't the case, they were just kindly asking for more information about a bug to check it; and 2) that shouldn't make us be rude with them, we have to do our part and be a nice community.

    Also remember that individual team members most probably aren't responsible for what changes go into the game, they just do what they're told to.

    Sorry for interrupting but please be nice. :)

  • nah the bug is not specific to my account, I explained the bug do they not have any tools for testing scenarios?

    yes I am upset with the change, and no I don't care if they fix it.

    And I don't care if you don't like that I don't care.

    EDIT: the bug is clearly connected to it not counting resources gathering until you've checked the daily tasks.

    at the very least this applies to accounts that stay logged in with a tab open.

    I'd point out the bug is so wide spread that I didn't even start this freaking thread, and you can find several people mentioning similar issues in the feed back thread.

    EDIT2: Im not trying to be "rude" to the dev team.. Im not really interested in if they're in charge of changes or not.. But since I just consider this part of the game dead to me now.. I have no incentive to go and file a more detailed bug report.

    I can see how this might come off nasty and would be more than happy to delete all my posts in this thread if I could but I can't.. if the mods will be so kinds as to remove all my posts in this thread we'll just pretend it never happen and I won't bother bringing up problems again in the future..

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

    Edited 4 times, last by Rastan ().

  • Generally the daily tasks rewards much more than the previous one , it's normal including some bugs like any version in the past, day by day all will be fixed until settle down. Being active means you love Ikariam, so take it easy and enjoy it.

  • I'd point out the bug is so wide spread that I didn't even start this freaking thread, and you can find several people mentioning similar issues in the feed back thread.

    Well, I just tried with a few of accounts and was not able to reproduce this issue: I signed into the account first time today and already all resources gathered today was counted for tasks.

  • I'd point out the bug is so wide spread that I didn't even start this freaking thread, and you can find several people mentioning similar issues in the feed back thread.

    Well, I just tried with a few of accounts and was not able to reproduce this issue: I signed into the account first time today and already all resources gathered today was counted for tasks.

    I think the people having the issue are the ones who are already signed in (tab in the browser already up and loaded, no signing in)

    All the people I've heard complaining about this type of bug are ones that are already signed in not people signing in.

    The town and tab was already loaded, I started a building and then check the daily.. I was going ot start a building regardless if daily said to or not.

    I think if I had refreshed the page went to a different town, or loaded up daily task list first it might not have happen.

    If not then it's just my account and im fine with it, doesn't matter.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)