• I'm not playing any game. I'm directly addressing points that you intentionally don't address because they don't suit your narrative. Your debate style is basically gish gallop at best.

    Plus, you can't win in Ikariam.

    You can pillage someone; they can pillage you back or go into donation mode. You can occupy someone's cities but that doesn't fundamentally change anything for them.

    At best what you can do in Ikariam is try to wear someone's patience down until they quit playing, but you'd know that best with how you rage quit against Vendon.

    The closest thing we've had to an event you can win at has been the Hydra event, but that's only because the event hasn't run a second time. As soon as it becomes repeatable, you can win eventually.

    If you're so focused on winning, the only winning move is not to play.

    Edited once, last by User12996 ().

  • Fundamentally, in any conflict in Ikariam, both sides are making a bet on who will hold out the longest.

    As you can't overtly win, all you can effectively do is fight until someone quits, which is why so many people go inactive.

    They are functionally saying that I don't want to spend my free time invested in a digital disagreement in a video game.

    The winners tend to consolidate in larger and larger alliances because the best hedge against quitting is to have a larger group of people to shoulder the burden. Plus, if you're in the large alliance, you generally have fewer enemies so you have more staying power.

    Also, there's the peer pressure not to quit with a large alliance, especially when you can be coaxed into staying by "going into donation mode and just log in once a week" etc.

    As the game runs on longer and longer, more and more of the smaller alliances quit, the larger alliances control the server, and eventually most servers come to a consensus. So and so are the largest guild, they get to win pirates. We're the second largest guild so we can place in 11th place or lower, etc.

    I also understand that's why GF is trying to introduce more PvE elements like the Hydra event. Ogame has had expeditions for years and they're fundamentally a good PvE system. Even though pirates is PvP, unlike pillaging, nobody directly loses res, so it functions as a bonus which makes it more fun to play. You're also free to ignore it and you don't feel like you're missing out because it's a bonus.

    Obviously, a consensus like this isn't good for what is fundamentally a PvP game. The only solution GF has to the consensus is merges because merges force the balance of power to be mixed up. Merges also have the bonus of likely reducing operating costs, too, so it's a win/win.

    Edited once, last by User12996 ().

  • Wow, why do some of you have to make this so complicated?

    The alts are here to stay and if their legal then learn to deal with them.

    The gen banks are the problem and not the alts.

    The 24/48 hour ban on banks selling out of v.mode solves a lot of problems and if fighters that rely on gen banks to win battles dont like it then they are not fighters.

    They are big alliances with lots of gold that can take out 500,000 gens and attrition fight anyone to death.

    There's very little skill involved in todays battles if you have a gen bank and gold.

  • 20 pages and counting...

  • The alts exists for 1 reason.


    But cheating also gives bring cash to company (and some virtual population)

    People who are doing anything from simple to complicate is because they are trying to protect their ...interests.

    Any rule againt alt it will reduce the cash.. flow.

    And Like Microsoft, accept it (Windows problems ) or go to Mac.(Mac have the same rule. You don't like it? Goto Microsoft) :P

    (and that's how DVD encryption broke :D ):!:

  • And Like Microsoft, accept it (Windows problems ) or go to Mac.(Mac have the same rule. You don't like it? Goto Microsoft) :P

    Couldn't help myself on this...


    Win is trash, but Mac is even worse than trash - an overpriced abomination of Linux

    And the best decision of MS ever was to move Win to Linux and make Frankenstein's monster known as Win 11 (basically making it another Linux abomination)


    peace out ✌🏻

    y0sfztq5hoi41.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=67c85f899d5e5fea8ba95c8a4fee2179e1054040 " Yet I may come at you, and all your accursed house; and you shall be broken on my will, though you all were made of steel. "

  • Since I started that thread, I suppose I should comment...

    I learned from that, that while there are tech-related settings, there are non-tech established rules. And those non-tech established rules are Ikariam server-wide.

    So reducing accounts to only 1, was apparently a non-starter.

    But I still think they could look to reducing from 10/11. I think dropping to like 4 or 5 would go miles towards helping fix some things.

    And I seem to recall also started a thread suggesting that we remove gold from trading. I still think that would be a good idea.

    Imagine if the black market and tradepost only traded with resources, not gold.

    Suddenly the purchasing of military takes more of a tradeship requirement.

    I mean seriously - gold, you send 1 tradeship. When was the last time you heard of anyone trading resources for troops? (Using multiple tradeships.)

    Maybe someday it might be worth revisiting some of these ideas.

  • The holiday rule is reconsidered, " There are no maintenance costs for units during holiday." If it is stated that there will be no maintenance costs for units up to this garrison limit, and that units outside the limit will have gold and wine expenses, even if they are on holiday, the gene bank problem will be solved.


  • The holiday rule is reconsidered, " There are no maintenance costs for units during holiday." If it is stated that there will be no maintenance costs for units up to this garrison limit, and that units outside the limit will have gold and wine expenses, even if they are on holiday, the gene bank problem will be solved.

    should we make a reservation when we go on holiday :D


  • The holiday rule is reconsidered, " There are no maintenance costs for units during holiday." If it is stated that there will be no maintenance costs for units up to this garrison limit, and that units outside the limit will have gold and wine expenses, even if they are on holiday, the gene bank problem will be solved.

    should we make a reservation when we go on holiday :D

    You always have a reservation 8o


  • I mean seriously - gold, you send 1 tradeship. When was the last time you heard of anyone trading resources for troops? (Using multiple tradeships.)

    Maybe someday it might be worth revisiting some of these ideas.

    Not a bad idea. Maybe they should add weight to gold, that way legit players won't be affected and everybody can trade gold... As long as they only use trade ships, of course.