Unexpected behaviour when accepting a Cultural Treaty.

  • One of my accounts has a city without a Museum. Normally, when you accept a CT you get to distribute CTs afterwards, but if I accept a CT when viewing that city it goes straight to the Diplomatic Advisor screen. If I accept in a city with a Museum, I go to the distribute CTs window.

    I have Ikariam Plus active.

  • Hey Quartz

    I just tried and got a bit different behavior:

    1. have a selected town without a museum (but with some free places in other museums)
    2. receive a cultural treaty request
    3. accept the treaty

    => the town view remains open and I get a notification about the order being carried on near the diplomatic advisor icon.

    Am I missing any prerequisites?

  • I've just tried it again and am now getting the behaviour you describe. I also tried in Island View and World View with the same results. There was an issue with the server late yesterday, wasn't there?

    This behaviour is still not the same as when you have a Museum.