Server Merge Additional Questions

  • Also, I'm hearing from people that they are - let's say "uncomfortable" with the .us merges starting on September 11.

    I understand that there's no way that you all are going to look at any date and see what events might have happened on that day, but, I think you probably understand people being uncomfortable about September 11 as a date.

    I just checked that thread after reading this.. ya as an American I really would prefer it be a day before or after.. im sure no one was thinking about the date when setting that but ya.. any other day but that please.

    Maybe you could just swap our time slot with a different community where that date has no meaning.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • If it makes you feel any better, it's likely 9/11 12am midnight CET which is 9/10 6pm EDT. If it's UTC, it's 9/10 8pm EDT.

    Actually, based on Ares, it'll be 10 CEST so 9/11 4AM EDT.

  • This is a German game - do we really need to start checking what each date could mean in every other country?

    Ah.. Sensitivity training paying off I see, Money well spent.

    Well sir.. your GERMAN company has a US community.. so I would think ya.. who ever is running this monkey farm should know how it might be viewed in the US community especially something so recent as 9/11.. or have you not heard of that one?

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • If it makes you feel any better, it's likely 9/11 12am midnight CET which is 9/10 6pm EDT. If it's UTC, it's 9/10 8pm EDT.

    Actually, based on Ares, it'll be 10 CEST so 9/11 4AM EDT.

    have they announced which time they're merging? ya if they go by 0:00 game time then that would be 6pm 9/10 eastern so that wouldn't be such a problem.
    Cutting it close though.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • Let's take a look at new setting #4. One I think that most everyone has agreed is a decent choice


    Setting 4

    • Production of Wood and Sulfur will be 50% higher than normal.
    • Production of Wine is 10% higher than normal.
    • Troops and ships are built 25% faster.
    • Land units are 25% cheaper to build.
    • Land units move 50% faster than normal.
    • Priest conversion rate increased by 40% (7 conversions per priest instead of the normal 5).


    I think this could be used as a template for option #3.


    (new) Setting 3

    • Production of Wood and Crystal will be 50% higher than normal.
    • Production of Wine is 10% higher than normal.
    • Buildings are constructed 25% faster than normal.
    • Tradeships move 50% faster than normal.
    • Scientists create 40% more research points.


    If the percentages need to be adjusted, down or up, so be it.

    I think people would like this as an option.

    And, by the by, swap crystal for marble, and I think people would like this for option #2 as well.

    Edited once, last by skyhawk377 ().

  • It's almost funny, it's always the same.

    Merge and you'll have complaints. BECAUSE you finally got things working and fit yourself on good miracles or one island, or BOTH. And now you LOSE IT. Also BECAUSE you lose your mine levels, after all people who donated for them quit.

    Don't merge and you'll have complaints. BECAUSE people want more alive servers,

    It's almost as if you'll have complaints, no matter what you do ;)

    Here, summary.
    But how do you make everybody happy?
    You don't. Just don't make them resentful.

    There is no advantage of me keeping my islands as they are. I did decades in this game to achieve that. And you want to take it away to give others "Fair / equal chance for my spot?"

    Even if I succeed planting myself where I am currently, my friend who had donated millions to the mines may not be quick enough and new Neighbours will screw me forever. with Halved mine???? Naa, I am done for real, not going to continue anymore. Just no. The more I fight with your WRONG decisions (making multiple accounts a thing was just TERRIBLE IDEA), Adding Pirating was WORSE.The more unhappy and disappointed I feel.
    Others are unhappy? Did they destroy towns to relocate like me, did they donate as much as me to have good islands? I DOUBT.

  • This is a German game - do we really need to start checking what each date could mean in every other country?

    Ah.. Sensitivity training paying off I see, Money well spent.

    Well sir.. your GERMAN company has a US community.. so I would think ya.. who ever is running this monkey farm should know how it might be viewed in the US community especially something so recent as 9/11.. or have you not heard of that one?

    I just realized it's been 23 years! That's not really recent, is it? Bet there are a bunch of players here that dont even remember the terror attacks. Damn I feel old.



  • I just realized it's been 23 years! That's not really recent, is it? Bet there are a bunch of players here that dont even remember the terror attacks. Damn I feel old.



    You and me both and I'm sure some here was born after but 9/11 still gets referenced regularly in the news.

    So I consider it recent public memory.

    If Dec 7th was picked probably fewer people would recognize that one.

    Diplomat for Raging Kings [RK] - Eurydike (US)

  • If it makes you feel any better, it's likely 9/11 12am midnight CET which is 9/10 6pm EDT. If it's UTC, it's 9/10 8pm EDT.

    Actually, based on Ares, it'll be 10 CEST so 9/11 4AM EDT.

    have they announced which time they're merging? ya if they go by 0:00 game time then that would be 6pm 9/10 eastern so that wouldn't be such a problem.
    Cutting it close though.

    All I have is speculation.

  • Quote from Draxo

    This is a German game - do we really need to start checking what each date could mean in every other country?

    Are you claiming that you need to google September 11 to know why people in the US might find it have a problem with it?

    As for the people with too many multis for just 2 servers, I am assuming by the avoidance of my question that the answer is Gameforge wants people to delete the extras (as was originally suggested a few years ago) but for legal purposes can't explicitly say it. Understood. (Note: I have no objection to the limit of 11.)

    Advancing the merge date far enough that accounts can make it to the graveyard before the deadline is a good change, though. I thank you. :)


    Turmoil's in the air

    Hold your breath be deadly calm

    Make a final prayer

    Don't forget what you have done

  • I remain hopeful that the team will address either the rule clarification guide (which the above quote is from) or promptly advise the GO on misunderstanding the rules.

    I wouldn't hold your breath. I made a ticket and he was ticked he got a promotion. Just look at the people he associates with on Alpha - US...


    Viet Nam Sociality[VNS] - Alpha US Spokesman
    Bậc Thầy Thịt mèo Nướng

    BBQ CAT Master Chef

  • No one needs to delete, you can just GY and if you're inactive at the end of the merge, you get GY'd anyways.

    So just play until the merge and stop logging in during the merge (you're in vmode anyways) and wait to get GY'd.

    It's certainly not ideal and you're better off GYing now, picking a new community, then merging with them.

    Edited once, last by User12996 ().

  • There will always be someone who for some reason will not be ok with some merge date.

    If we try to accommodate everybody's wishes, issues and feelings, we'll never merge.

    Sorry, but the merge dates are as they are. Barring any technical or organisational issues that may require a change, they're fixed.

    It's impossible to take everybody's days of celebration or mourning into account same as it is impossible to take things into account that were mentioned before such as "vacation period" etc. Someone always has some reason for disliking the timing. It is what it is, sorry.


    Am Anfang wurde das Universum erschaffen.

    Das machte viele Leute sehr wütend und wurde allenthalben als Schritt in die falsche Richtung angesehen.

  • badidol

    my opinion (and my suggestion) is that merging is always a good thing, but to simplify things you could only have two types of target server

    and therefore two situations :

    1 server type A and 1 server type B


    2 server type A and 2 server type B

    Both with speed x 1.25

    BUT !

    type A with one or two bonuses useful to those who like to fight

    type B with one or two bonuses useful for those who like to build

    stop ... end ... easy and simple

    also because in any case there will always be those who will complain ....


  • Will there be a period of enforced peace - i.e. everyone in god mode - during the merger? It would suck if you were prevented from teleporting a city by being attacked.

  • Will there be a period of enforced peace - i.e. everyone in god mode - during the merger? It would suck if you were prevented from teleporting a city by being attacked.

    No. This is not OGame.

    There is no such thing as an attack block in Ikariam.


    Am Anfang wurde das Universum erschaffen.

    Das machte viele Leute sehr wütend und wurde allenthalben als Schritt in die falsche Richtung angesehen.

  • Will there be a period of enforced peace - i.e. everyone in god mode - during the merger? It would suck if you were prevented from teleporting a city by being attacked.

    At least 38 days until the merge, activate Plutus in all towns, build massive army 3 days prior to merge.